Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

God didn’t just rescue us; He empowered us so that we can live successfully here in this world. He didn’t want children who would have the title of righteousness but not have the ability to overcome the sins and weaknesses that ensnared them in the first place. No, He designed salvation to be complete—triumphant living in this world as well as in the one to come.

“Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God’s will in thought, purpose, and action)”

(2 Timothy 3:16, AMP).

God took great care in getting His Word to us, so why do we take it so lightly and not put more emphasis on it? Why do we try to make His infallible Word fit into or confirm our lifestyle or social culture instead of allowing it to shape our lives? It’s incorruptible, eternal and can never be altered or changed. It is the rock where we’re to stand firm and to base our lives on.

The living Word not only instructs but also empowers us to live above our own human potential—extraordinarily. We’ve been born again; we’re brand-new people; we’re sons and daughters of God!

It’s so amazing when you think of it. The stars that sailors have set their course by for generations, the sun that has given light and warmth to our atmosphere for thousands and thousands of years, and the constellations that have been shining for longer than humans can remember can all fade out and die before the Word of God can fail. The Word of God is so mighty that it holds all created things together!

Marked by boldness and passion, John Bevere delivers
uncompromising truth through his award-winning curriculum and
best-selling books now available in over sixty languages. His newest
book is
Extraordinary: The Life You’re Meant to Live. More information is available at

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