Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

week 1

Deborah: Called to Battle

During one period of Israel’s history, the Spirit of the Lord raised up judges to lead the people of God. Deborah, the prophetess, was the only woman who served in this role. She was a wife, a prophet and a judge. Her life of faithfulness was highly regarded, and God empowered her with wisdom and authority to speak as His oracle in settling internal disputes and to lead the nation in times of conflict.

Read: Judges 4:1-16, Judges 4:17-24, Judges 5:1-18, Judges 5:19-31

Heart Issue
Deborah served God faithfully during a time of great political upheaval and chaos in her nation. To what acts of faithfulness are we called today? What seeks to hinder us, and how do we overcome these

Prayer Focus
Father, send us forth. Help us to serve You courageously in our generation. Reveal to us the hindrances—personal areas of doubt and weakness. Let faith arise in our hearts that is born of a knowledge of who You are, that we might trust in Your sufficiency and the enabling power of the Holy Spirit at work in us day-by-day. Amen.

Brenda J. Davis is the acquisitions editor for Creation House Books.


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