David Diga Hernandez: ‘We Want to See Victory’

The Christian life is meant to be lived from victory, abiding in the Holy Spirit. However, it’s impossible to know and discern the Holy Spirit’s voice without knowing the Word of God.

In an interview with Charisma News, David Diga Hernandez shared a powerful message about how it is only through saturating oneself in the Word of God that we can actually know if we are following the Lord’s guidance, or if we are being led by our own will and thoughts. If we truly belong to Christ, then God is already wanting to speak to us and through us.

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“Hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit is not a learned skill,” Hernandez said. “It’s a sense to be sharpened.”

Without sitting still in the presence of the Lord, it is impossible to actually discern what exactly it is He wants to speak to us about.

“It’s a matter of being silent and still enough that you might hear the voice of the Holy Spirit,” Hernandez said. “The satanic speaks, the secular speaks, the flesh speaks…and then the Spirit speaks…so the key is to cause the other voices to go silent.”

How do we get the Holy Spirit to become the voice that we listen to when so many others are vying for our attention? We keep the Word of God as the main focus of our lives. We sit in the stillness and silence of God’s presence through prayer, keeping our eyes on the prize of Christ.

“Prayer is the death of the flesh. And only when we come to that place of prayer, where our eyes and our attention is focused on Jesus can we begin to see the weakening, the dwindling effect of the flesh’s influence,” Hernandez said.

The more in-depth believers go with the Word, the more we seek the Lord in prayer, the more sense victory makes from a heavenly perspective.

“The life of a believer is one of peace, not necessarily perfect existence to where you’re not dealing with any trials or tragedies or circumstances,” Hernandez said. “It’s that inner victory we’re talking about…If you are in bondage, you are not living the Christian life.”

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One of the key premises of staying in the purity and holiness of the Lord is to make sure we are not mixing Scripture with other spiritual beliefs.

“We do not need to supplement the teachings of the Word of God inspired by the precious Holy Spirit with the teachings of paganism,” Hernandez said. “And when you have that mixture, that’s where you have confusion.”

Hebrews 4:12 is very clear about the authority of Scripture, reminding us that it is “alive, and active, and sharper than any two-edged.” When believers are led by the Word of God, by the power of prayer centered on the Holy Spirit and not our own selfish agendas and ways, then we have the opportunity to live in the true victory that can only be known through the person of Jesus Christ.

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Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

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