Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Matthew 11:7-30 The invitation extended throughout the Word of God is “Come unto Me.” We live in a world that is burdened and heavy-laden, a world where men have no rest for their souls. Men everywhere seek peace of mind and long to have joy in living. They run to drugs for pseudo peace and alcohol for temporary highs, but there is no lasting peace or joy apart from the Lord. Only the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls, Jesus Christ, can offer eternal peace and joy and right standing with God the Father. He gives us the invitation today, “Come to Me, and learn of Me meekness and lowliness of heart.”

Daily we have the choice to accept His gracious invitation or to reject it. He alone can teach us meekness and lowliness of heart, but we must open the textbook, which is His Word. As we read His Word, He teaches us and transforms our restless souls into rest filled-souls—souls filled with His joy, His peace, His righteousness. How can we ever refuse to enter His classroom daily? Each day we attend class, we will learn more, and we will grow more like our great Teacher.

I have seen restless souls, and it is not a pleasant sight. Restless souls run from conference to conference, ever seeking to learn the truth and to gain knowledge. But they return from these conferences the same as they were before they went. Restless souls are not willing to spend time in the classroom. They are always looking for recess—the time in the day when they can feel something—some thrill or excitement in the game of life. These restless souls are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. They have never learned the truth that in the presence of the Lord is fullness of joy and pleasures forever more.

So many of us are guilty from time to time of seeking the feeling instead of the Person. Every day I take time to be with the lover of my soul, Jesus, who is my spiritual husband. If I spend quality time with Him, my soul is always touched. I may not have a thrill, but knowing His nearness is enough for me. I listen intently as He teaches me meekness and lowliness of heart, and I make sure I do not miss one of His classes. Every day I have the privilege of sitting at the feet of the greatest lecturer and teacher in the whole world—Jesus Christ.

Are you going to attend class every day this week?

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for teaching me meekness and lowliness of heart. If I learn the lessons You teach, I will pass every lab test I encounter in this life. Help me to be attentive today to Your words, and don’t let my mind wander to recess time.

READ: Genesis 32:13-34:31; Matthew 11:7-30; Psalm 14:1-7; Proverbs 3:19-20

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