Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.

Romans 12:8

Remember the song “This Little Light of Mine?” “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine . . .” As children, it spoke to the fact that we should show that we love Jesus. As adults, I think it has even more meaning–I think it applies to our spiritual gifts.

It’s easy to run away from our spiritual gifts–as the song says, to “hide it under a bushel.” It’s not necessarily because of the gifts themselves but because of the risk involved. What if I mess up? Will God be disappointed with me? What will people think about me? But, it’s not about me. God’s Word clearly tells us that God has given us these gifts for a purpose, and if we have them, we need to use them.

I know that one of my spiritual gifts is worship. I have seen God use my music in many ways. But recently, I have realized that although I was using my gift, I still struggled with taking risks. My main instrument is my voice, but I also play the piano. I felt convicted that I needed to add playing the piano to my worship ministry. This move was a risk for me. Why? Because I was afraid of disappointing people. I’m a musician–what would they think if I failed at the piano?

I’ve had to remind myself that it doesn’t matter what people may think but what God thinks. I’ve found that using my piano skills has added to my ministry, has changed my heart, and hasn’t changed what people think of me. Yes, it feels risky–but who wants to live under a bushel, really!

So, if God has blessed you with the ability to encourage others or show kindness, look for the extra step you can take to help someone. If God has blessed you financially, then use your money for his purposes. And if God has given you the gift of leadership, get up, start moving, and find ways that you can lead others. Stop following and start leading. God has gifted you for a reason. Avoid bushels. Trust him to use you.

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