Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

This is the Seed That Bears Good Fruit for Generations

When we plant a seed into God's kingdom, it grows for generations to come.

Note: For part one of this article, click here.

There is a prophetic story in Daniel about a ruler who was the worst of all (see Daniel 8:8-14). The passage prophetically described his power as reaching to the heavens and knocking some of the hosts and stars out of place.

It also said he would attack the Prince of the hosts, which is Jesus, through some specific methods. He will stop the offerings, destroy the temple and throw truth to the ground. He will continue his attack for a period of time until Jesus overthrows him. (This ruler is known historically as Antiochus Epiphanes.)

Although this prophecy is fulfilled, we see the same war tactics being used today. Satan continues to make war against Jesus Christ by attacking the offerings and attacking the church. When “giving” to the church is suppressed, it binds the church from its mission and suppresses the truth from going out. It’s an assault that happens on national and individual levels.

As individuals, many believers have been led astray by spiritual-sounding philosophies when it comes to their attendance and giving to the local church.

Here are a few:

  • I give when I feel led to give.
  • Tithes are under the law.
  • I don’t need to go to church. I am the church.
  • I’m under grace, so I don’t have to _________ (fill in the blank).

These philosophies haven’t produced faithfulness in giving and serving the body of Christ and must be confronted. These attitudes have not built His church but actually hinder the church and the message of salvation. We can’t be prophesying revival into our cities and nations and then not pay anything into it.

Many people cite the “legality” of giving tithes as their Biblical excuse to not give much at all. The tithes put order and regularity into our giving, and giving is about the heart more than the set amount. When we can’t pass the test of giving, it delays revival because we are not ready to carry it.

I believe the Lord is challenging us all to take Him at His Word when it comes to giving, because He promises to provide back in abundance.

“Give, and it will be given to you: Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will men give unto you. For with the measure you use, it will be measured unto you” (Luke 6:38).

Giving is the Seed That Bears Fruit For Generations

Nearly 100 years ago, a family gave their personal finances to purchase land for a new work in Turlock, California. The late evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson had introduced Turlock to the Holy Spirit, and a Spirit-filled community had emerged needing property. This same family’s grandson, Bill Larson, also became an established city-wide evangelist, with discipleship studies going on in his home nearly every night. Thousands of persons were converted as a result. He was so zealous that he finally quit his job, choosing to trust the Lord for his provision. He wanted to reach every unsaved person that he could. He died last month, but his legacy continues on.

This man was also responsible for the conversion and discipleship of my husband, Ron, as a teenager. He had found Ron smoking in a local park and led him to Christ. Bill then invited Ron to a Bible study and discipled him there. A decade later my husband was named the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Center in Turlock, California. During the funeral for this evangelist, we found out the land purchased by his grandparents is the land our church is sitting on.

Do you think this is a coincidence? Absolutely not! The seed for the gospel was planted a century ago and is still producing its harvest. What we sow into the kingdom of God will supernaturally grow for generations.

Over a year ago, I was talking with a young woman in our church. She had a baby and was not married. I convinced her to make her live-in relationship right with God. She and her boyfriend agreed, and we set the wedding date. As I met their families for the first time, I realized the young woman’s father was a faithful elder in the church where I committed my life to Christ 25 years ago. How exciting it was for this elder to experience the fruit of his faithfulness and to have it returned back to his own family. I married his daughter and son-in-law that day, bringing them all, including an adorable grand-baby, into the proper covering of Christ.

In 1 Chronicles 17, we see that King David desired to build God a house. The Lord responds to David, saying that because he has taken care of His house, the Lord will take care of David’s house. The heart of God has not changed in this matter. Building His church on earth does not go unnoticed or without reward. The Lord is promising and challenging us all to take care of His house, His church, on the earth.

He will, in turn, joyfully take care of ours, and His reward is for generations after us. {eoa}

Jennifer Eivaz is a vibrant minister and international conference speaker who carries the wisdom and fire of the Holy Spirit. She presently serves as an executive pastor with Harvest Christian Center in Turlock, California, and is focused on raising up a passionate and effective prayer community that is tempered with love and hears the voice of God accurately. Jennifer loves the presence of God and is a prophetic voice to her church and to others. She is married to HCC Senior Pastor Ron Eivaz. She’s a featured writer for several online publications, including the Elijah List and Charisma magazineShe’s also written a book titled The Intercessor’s Handbook.

For the original article, visit

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