Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

These 12 Trinitarian Principles Release Purpose and Power

Many years ago, I came to the conclusion that understanding the triune Godhead of Father, Son and Holy Spirit was the key to release government, order and purpose on the earth. This has vast implications for how we function in every realm of life including politics, business, church, the arts and our leadership.

The following are 12 trinitarian principles that can unlock your purpose and power:

1. There is oneness, not mere unity.

As we examine the relationship between the members of the Godhead, we find that they are of one heart and one mind. They do not function with mere unity which is a temporary arrangement based on a cause or an event. Jesus said the world will not believe He was sent until His body is one as the Father and Son are One (John 17:20-23).

2. There is continual access and communication.

As we read the Gospels, especially John, we notice how the Son had direct access and was in constant communion with His Father. If any organization is going to succeed, clear lines and protocols for communication have to be set to avoid confusion and to maintain forward motion.

3. There is one purpose.

As the Father and Son had one purpose (John 18:37), God has called His people to be in one accord to release purpose and power (Acts 2:1-14; 1 Cor.1:10).

4. There is unity in diversity.

Each member of the Godhead has a distinct personality and function even though they are one God. Together, each member illustrates that true unity is not uniformity or sameness but a celebration of the unique contribution each individual makes to fulfill their common objectives.

5. There is mutual respect and honor.

As we read chapters 5, 10-17 in the Gospel of John, we can easily recognize how each member of the Godhead honored, loved and respected the others. There was no jealousy, competition or insecurity among them. Any entity that lacks these qualities of the Godhead within its core leadership will not go very far.

6. There is mutual edification and support.

In the Gospels, we see how the Father loved the Son and encouraged Him (Luke 3; John 11), how the Son gave way to the Spirit (John 14) and how the Spirit strengthened the Son so He could fulfill His mission (Luke 4:18). Consequently, for any organization to survive and thrive, its core members need to encourage and edify each other.

7. There are tangible outcomes and multiplication.

The oneness of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit resulted in the formation of the universe (Gen. 1:1-3; John 1:1-4). Their relationship bore much fruit and resulted in a continual expansion of the cosmos as well as the creation of innumerable angels and billions of human beings. When we walk in trinitarian oneness, we too will see tangible outcomes and multiply fruit.

8. There is creativity.

The relationship of the Godhead resulted in the diversity of the created order, replete with land, sea and sky animals, colors and beauty, which represents His glory in the terrestrial realm. The created order also displayed unfathomable beauty and the mind-bending realm of living beings in the celestial world. Any entity that utilizes the trinitarian model will release a torrent of creativity that will accentuate and advance its purpose.

9. There is unending love.

In the Gospels, we see how each member of the triune God loved the others (John 5:20; Rom. 15:20). Every organization or church will have to cultivate a culture of love in order to thrive in the midst of the turmoil and uncertainty that precedes the fulfillment of their purpose.

10. There is a structure and pattern.

Before the triune God filled the earth with life, they framed the world (Genesis 1:1-31); hence, they established order and structure before they were able to multiply life and bestow upon it a purpose (see Gen. 1:26-31). God told Moses to build the tabernacle according to the pattern He showed Him in heaven (Heb. 8:5). Those who follow the trinitarian model will always lay the foundation of structure and order before commencing with their activity and business.

11. There is a process towards purpose.

The trinitarian principle includes an intentional process that results in fulfilling their purpose. For example, before Jesus was born of the flesh to establish His kingdom on earth, He had to wait until the epochs of the patriarchs, Moses, David and the prophets were fulfilled. Any person or entity that attempts to bypass their assigned process will frustrate their purpose.

12. There is empowering and release.

Finally, each member of the Triune Godhead not only works together but has delegated their authority to ministry gifts who in turn empower and equip millions of sons (Eph. 4:11,12). This trinitarian principle teaches us that the distribution of labor is the key to creating a movement. {eoa}

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