Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

‘The Church Has Left the Building’: Wave of Revival Hits Southern California, Shows No Sign of Stopping

A wave is hitting Huntington Beach, California, and exploding across the sand. Except in this case, the water comes from an eternal source, and the driving force is Holy Spirit power.

The longtime prayers of God’s people are being answered even now as Saturate OC (Saturate Orange County, California) plans and conducts weekly revival services, spurred on by a prophetic word. Saturate OC co-founder Jessi Green who, with her husband, Parker, moved to the area from New York City in expectation of a move of God, says on the ministry’s website that God spoke clearly:

“There’s a 50,000-person harvest in Huntington Beach during Summer 2020. Pray for workers.”

A Facebook post repeats the vision: “My husband Parker and I moved across the country from New York to California and gave up everything we had because of a profound vision God had shown us. We came to California on a vacation and as we prayed we saw a picture of thousands of people being baptized along Huntington Beach Pier; the harvest was so massive, people were quickly turning around to baptize the person behind them. There was a ripple effect to this move of God. I believe that there is a massive harvest for THE CHURCH in Orange County to participate in and we need to prepare the nets of discipleship,” Jessi says.

When the vision comes to pass: “In 2016, my husband Parker and I moved across the country from New York to California…

Posted by Saturate OC on Saturday, July 18, 2020

And now, Saturate OC says on Facebook, the movement has grown “from a few hundred to a few thousand,” with hundreds of salvations and multiple baptisms in its wake.

Only days before California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an executive order blocking indoor worship gatherings and Bible studies, Saturate OC sponsored its first revival gathering on Huntington City Beach near Los Angeles, according to Fox News. “The church has left the building,” Jessi said in a Facebook post.

Sean Feucht, a Bethel Church worship leader, has led worship for the gatherings and said the movement reminded him of the Jesus People Movement from the late ’60s and early ‘0s. “It’s eerily similar,” Feucht told Fox News. “There were protests, racial and social strife. Hippies were getting saved. A movement happened in California and swept across America.”

Saturate OC had planned to hold revival services each Friday in July but now, a Facebook post says, the ministry has extended them through at least Aug. 7. “We are making decisions for Saturate on a weekly basis, so we can press into what God is saying and doing,” says the post. “We want to steward well what is happening and we can’t stop now that so many people are being saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, healed and set free!”

If you missed the announcement – we are extending Saturate to Aug.7th ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ We are making decisions for Saturate on…

Posted by Saturate OC on Saturday, July 18, 2020

The movement has not come without criticism, Jessi says, but she adds on Facebook, “I got to the point where I no longer wanted God to bless my dreams – I wanted to bless His. I wanted to know what He was doing, and then do that. It cost a lot! It cost every thought that I had about God, about faith, and what Church looks like, my comfort, financial stability, friends, popularity, my ‘passions’. I had to get to the point where I felt peace with Jesus + Nothing.

“It’s easy to pray for revival,” she says. “It’s really really hard to say yes to mundane obedience. It’s hard when plans get cancelled. When Christians call you terrible names. It’s hard, but yet easy. You get God in-exchange. It’s hard to explain. The whole Joy through suffering begins to make sense. Jesus becomes really real and you figure out quickly why the disciples gave up everything – nothing else satisfied. You can’t fake this kind of faith – trust me I tried! … Revival is happening because people are smashing down idols!”

“I got to the point where I no longer wanted God to bless my dreams – I wanted to bless His. I wanted to know what He…

Posted by Saturate OC on Wednesday, July 15, 2020


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