Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Pastor: ‘I Never Pray for Sick People’

Pastor Jim Kibler says that, rather than praying for sick people, he speaks directly to the sickness or the body. He says the reason is that Jesus never prayed for the sick; He just healed them.

“My church is one of the few churches in the country—it’s not the only one—but it is one of the few churches in the country where somebody comes in, they’re sick, and they get healed,” Kibler says.

On the “Receiving From God” podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network, Kibler goes on to share how, through him, God healed someone’s back and restored a woman’s eyesight—all without prayer.

“You know, once you see a miracle happen right in front of you, one of these kaboom-type miracles, I’m telling you what: Your life is never the same because at that point, you don’t have to believe that God exists,” Kibler says. “You don’t have to try to believe, try to have faith in God; you know He exists. You know it.”

To listen to more of Kibler’s stories of miraculous healing, check out the episode here. {eoa}

Check out Charisma’s e-book, Healing From the Inside Out, available for just $1.99 at this link.

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