Morning Rundown: IHOPKC Update: Ministry Vows to Make Changes Amid Scandal

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IHOPKC Update: Ministry Vows to Make Changes Amid Scandal

In an update to the International House of Prayer Kansas City community, the ministry’s new interim executive, General Kurt Fuller, says that a lack of leadership training has dominated the issues currently surrounding the prayer room, and that these leadership issues will be addressed immediately.

“I do believe that the purpose of this ministry was and is inspired by God,” Fuller said. “And that in order to enter into all that He has for us we’ve got to evolve and we’ve got to be willing to make some changes.”

“One of the key opportunities that I’ve seen here is that this base has a lack of solid leadership training and really no formal leader development programs. We need to fix this starting now. And it’s going to take time and resources and organizational energy but it’s critical for our corporate health,” Fuller added.

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5 Red Flags That Warn Us of False Teachers

Last week I wrote about how grieved I was that so many Christians naively swallowed the teachings of Nigerian prophet T.B. Joshua—in spite of repeated warnings from Nigerian pastors who knew of his occult origins. Sadly, even after evidence surfaced proving that Joshua practiced juju rituals and sexually abused women, some of his followers still defend him.

People ask me: “But if T.B. Joshua was a false prophet, how could he perform miracles?” Or they ask: “How could he be false when he used the name of Jesus?” Those questions alone indicate that they forgot Jesus’ own words; He warned that false prophets “will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect” (Matt. 24:24, NASB 1995). Jesus also said charlatans would use His name to gain credibility (24:5).

Because I’ve encountered many false prophets, swindlers and spiritual quacks since the 1970s, I learned that there are several red flags that warn us of wolves in sheep’s clothing. If you see any of these qualities in a “minister,” you can be certain something devilish is lurking behind the curtain. If you choose to follow these blind guides, they will lead you into a ditch.

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Online Pastor Charged in $1.3 Million Cryptocurrency Scandal

A Colorado-based pastor of an online church, Eli Regalado, and his wife are facing charges for allegedly pocketing $1.3 million through a cryptocurrency fraud scheme. What makes this case more astonishing is Regalado’s claim that he was following God’s instructions.

Regalado and his wife marketed their cryptocurrency, INDXcoin, to Christian communities, assuring potential investors that God had ordained its success. The Colorado Division of Securities revealed that INDXcoin raised nearly $3.2 million, with a significant portion allegedly used for the personal benefit of the Regalados.

In a video statement, Eli Regalado admitted to the charges, stating, “Out of the $1.3 [million], half a million dollars went to the IRS, and a few hundred thousand dollars went to a home remodel the Lord told us to do.”

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