Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

November 5, 2012


“These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word.

—Isaiah 66:2 (NIV)

All too often Americans are seen as arrogant or prideful. Years ago, there was a book entitled The Ugly American that told of how Americans in the foreign service often perpetuated that view. It’s time for a new reputation for Americans that is in line with what God desires. But before you nod in passive agreement and move on, consider where pride has seeped into your own life. It’s a deep-rooted sin for us.

A spiritual revolution in America will take place when we walk in humility before God and each other. We will find ourselves in a place of receiving blessing from God when we have a contrite spirit. And we can expect revival throughout the land when the church is filled with those who tremble at His Word!

  • Ask the Lord to humble you this day.
  • Recognize the great need you have to be one who trembles at the Word of God.


Pray for another Great Awakening to sweep the nation as the Lord’s people learn to humble themselves.


President Barack Obama
Vice President Joe Biden
Attorney General Eric Holder
Chief Justice John Roberts
Justice Samuel Alito
Justice Anthony Kennedy
Justice Elena Kagan
Justice Sonia Sotomayor
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Justice Stephen Breyer
Justice Antonin Scalia
Justice Clarence Thomas


Henry A. Waxman
Daniel Webster
Peter Welch
Allen B. West
Lynn A. Westmoreland
Ed Whitfield
Frederica S. Wilson
Joe Wilson
Robert J. Wittman
Frank R. Wolf
Steve Womack


Jim Webb (D-VA)
Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)


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