Thu. Sep 12th, 2024

A Former Lesbian Reveals How to Actually Deal With Homosexuality

Janet Boynes

The topic of homosexuality can no longer be ignored. Many churches have closed their eyes hoping it would just go away or they have inwardly convinced themselves that they shouldn’t address something that is so controversial. However, our culture is forcing us to take a stand.

The gay agenda is advancing to the point that instead of being ashamed of what the Bible calls sin, they actually flaunt it. The promoters of this lifestyle are, in a sense, like those who questioned Peter when they asked, “Are you His disciple”? Are we, like Peter, going to bow before the pressure and deny what Scripture clearly teaches?

Jesus told us to keep in mind that if He was persecuted, then the world would also persecute us (John 15:20). In addition, Paul told Timothy that things would go from bad to worse and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted (2 Tim. 3:12-13). Speaking truth has that effect on the world’s system. Our goal, though, should not be to escape ridicule but to declare the truth of Scripture, motivated by a heart of love.

Recently, there has been a number of public attacks on people who have stood up for traditional marriage. The CEO of Mozilla was forced to resign; Phil Robertson was temporarily removed from the Duck Dynasty program; several business owners have been taken to court for not participating in the celebration of gay marriages, including a baker, a photographer and a florist; and HGTV cancelled a new series that was hosted by twin brothers, David and Jason Benham. We may not have chosen this battle, but it has been thrust upon us!

In the midst of these public confrontations, there is a ‘behind the scenes’ scenario playing out. Thousands of those living the homosexual lifestyle along with thousands who are not actively involved in a relationship, but are dealing with same-sex attraction are looking for a way out! The church isn’t equipped to deal with this, for the most part, and often doesn’t want to deal with it.

Jesus told us to go into the highways and hedges and compel the people to come into His house (Luke 14:23). Highways and hedges are probably not the places church people hang out! The lost and the sinner are there; someone’s son or daughter is there; someone is there for whom Christ shed His blood. The soul of the homosexual is precious to God. He desires all to be saved. We cannot deal casually with the eternal spirits of those for whom Christ died.

Jesus can change the life of anyone in the grip of sin. The Bible has the solution for all who struggle with homosexuality. I should know. I was in this lifestyle for 14 years and I am now victoriously free! It took a body of believers to help me, spend time with me and be an example to me.

My story has been documented in my book, Called Out, and written about in Charisma magazine. I’ve also given my testimony many times on television as well as in many churches across our nation.

My ministry is devoted to helping people come out of unwanted homosexuality. I believe this. I am devoted to it, but the apathy and unpreparedness of the church must change. For that reason, I am using avenues to equip the church, youth leaders and family members so they are in position to help those who are struggling.

One of these avenues is a conference we are holding on August 15-16, 2014, in Lake Mary, Florida. We are partnering with Charisma Media and we’re reaching out not only to people from Central Florida, but around the nation. You can go to my website for more information. At this conference you can hear people talk about how they came out of homosexuality as well as helpful information on how to minister to people who are hurting in this area while raising a standard against the tide which is the gay agenda.

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