Charisma Highlights: People Leave Theaters With Hope After Watching Prophetic Jonathan Cahn Film

Following are snippets of the top stories featured this past week on We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

Jonathan Cahn is well aware that his new film, The Harbingers of Things to Come, might “scare some people.” But there are also those who have watched and had the opposite reaction, knowing that Christians “win in the end” and that “God is in control.”

In both cases, however, Cahn says that most people have left the theater after watching The Harbingers with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and look to the future with a great deal of hope.

“This is as it has been from the beginning. You have these two elements and they are balancing,” Cahn recently told Clay Clark on Clark’s Thrivetime Show. “If you ask me, I’m saying both. On the one hand, things are not getting better in the culture. We can pretend they are, but they are getting worse. America is racing away from God.

If you’re hungry for more of God and want to live in revival, chances are you have recently heard of Kathryn Krick. Her ministry, Revival Is Now, has emerged through social media by showcasing healings, miracles and deliverances. She recently shared keys to the anointing on her life that can equip you to do what Jesus did.

Krick was hungry for more of God and attended a house church where she saw people praying in the Spirit and worshipping as she’d never seen before. Sensing the presence of God, she knew she had found a home in what she was seeking. She watched people receive prayer, healing and the love of God. Within a month, she was baptized with the Holy Spirit.

“After receiving the baptism with the Holy Spirit, my eyes opened up to the presence of God,” Krick says. “I surrendered completely to Him. I gave Him everything: my dreams, my plans, my will. I’ve never been the same since, and the fire has increased since that day.”

Recently as my team and I were in worship, there was a convergence in the spiritual realm, and the glory of God was present. I could see this big mass of prophetic insights coming together.

The convergence consisted of information that the Lord had been revealing to me and the new impartation He was giving me at that moment. I could see in the atmosphere bits and pieces of information coming from all directions and forming together. There were new insights the Lord revealed as He gave me the finality of revelation the Spirit of the Lord had been imparting to me.

I knew it was a call to intercession and a word of warning about what was attacking. The Lord showed me why certain things were happening on earth and that, while we are praying for what we are experiencing in the natural, we aren’t discerning beyond the natural to see what is happening in the spiritual.

Recently I heard the Lord speaking over many that have been through an intense season of trauma and loss. He was highlighting perspective and how what many had been through had shifted their lenses. He showed me that because of the trauma many had endured, they were now looking at life through lenses of loss and death. Expectancy of hope—the confident expectation of good, hope and restoration—had been lost.

I felt the Lord’s heart so strongly for these ones. There was a tangible sense of the comfort of the Lord and the healing and deliverance by His Spirit from these traumas, and at the same time, there was a strong call to come up higher, to see from His perspective and that of the lens of life—His lens.

There was such a strong sense in this encounter that the shifting of the lens was taking place in the secret place. It was in and from the place of intimacy, in and from the place of coming to Him.

The night our prodigal came to Christ, two additional, greatly significant events occurred.

First, I had a vision in which God poured His love for our adopted son into me, assuring me I would need it. Yes, I have needed it.

Second, that began three sleepless nights engaged in fierce battle with the powers and principalities of the prince of the air—the minions of the devil himself. {eoa}

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