Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Charisma Highlights: Does Absolute Truth Exist? Dr. Michael Brown Responds to Latest Christian Leader Renouncing His Faith

Following are snippets of the top stories featured this week on We invite you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

As reported by Josh Shepherd on the Roys Report, “Brady ‘Phanatik’ Goodwin, founding member of Grammy-nominated Christian hip-hop group, The Cross Movement, and in recent years an apologetics teacher, stated Monday in a video posted online that he has renounced his Christian faith.”

As he stated in Goodwin’s Facebook video, “I sent a letter to my church withdrawing my membership and saying that I am denouncing the Christian faith that I have believed, professed, proclaimed and defended for the last 30 years of my life.”

In his video, which is delivered with candor and pain and graciousness, Goodwin explains how his doubts began to develop when studying at Lancaster Bible College, only to deepen in 2014 when he began studying at Westminster Theological Seminary.

J. Lee Grady: Holy Ghost Gas Station Encounter

n early 2020, two months before I ever heard the word coronavirus, I stopped at a convenience store near my home in LaGrange, Georgia, to fill up my gas tank. When I went inside to purchase a few items, I noticed the clerk at the cash register had a thick Indian accent. “What part of India are you from?” I asked the man, who looked as if he were in his late 40s.

The man seemed surprised that I knew his ethnicity. He asked: “You know India?”

I told him I had visited there four times and that I had good friends in several cities in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Maharashtra, Bihar, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

Prophetic Vision: God Is Tearing Down Walls as in the Days of Jericho

I want you to get a picture of something. As I was standing on the front row, as we were singing, I saw like a quick flash of a picture (which I feel the Lord put in my heart) of two big hands and they were around me. But God was saying, “This isn’t about just you. I’m showing what I’m doing, using you as an example. I’m doing this with My people.” I saw His hands come around me, but then I saw them come underneath me and lift me up.

I want you to understand that this is a tremendous year of God lifting us; God being upon our right and upon our left, and putting us in His hands. Now that is a very powerful place to be because it also represents His protecting and lifting, but I believe, also, His blessing. And somehow God has literally taken us and scooped us up in His hands to position us for an amazing time and season of tremendous blessing.

Just see that—God just lifting you up and putting His hands around you—and realize He’s saying to you, “What do you want Me to do for you? What can I do to show My love for you, My honor to you, My people?”

I had a vision of Jesus presenting me with a key ring with three keys on it: one gold, one silver and one bronze (or dark/ancient-looking). He said, “Use these to go unlock the ‘more.'” As I waited, I heard Him say, “I want to unlock more in you so I can unlock more for you, then unlock more through you!”

I knew these were keys that the ekklesia would need to unlock things for the new season: to unlock authority, unlock the heavens, the earth, resources, favor and so on. Each key had a specific purpose, which we will discuss in just a moment. This means that certain things, which have been locked up and inaccessible, are being made accessible when the kkklesia rightly uses their keys. It means closed gates are being opened so the King of glory can come in.

The Keeper of the Keys

Jesus gave us one of the most significant passages of Scripture regarding our kingdom authority as the ekklesia and the keys we would use to perform the duties of our office. In Matthew 16:18-19 (MEV), He said, “…You are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church (ekklesia), and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

As we continue into 2022, the Lord has strongly placed on my heart words for this year and beyond, which I have had the privilege of submitting to our prophetic council (Australian Prophetic Council) and sharing at our recent Australian Prophetic Summit. These words are invitations to take hold of and pray for! I hope they bless and encourage you and stir your heart to partner with all that He has planned.

Awakening Hunger for More

“…’Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts.'” (Zach. 4:6, emphasis added)

I believe we are going to experience and see an increased move of the Holy Spirit like never before. Life-changing encounters with Holy Spirit will cause people to wake up from the dead … from their slumber (Ezek. 37:9). It will bring awakening, revival and a hunger for more. We will be carriers of His glory: walking in boldness, releasing His love and reflecting His glory on this earth. {eoa}

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