Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Charisma Highlights: Chuck Pierce’s Son Reveals Prophetic Dream About Russia and Its Rising Power

Following are snippets of the top stories posted this week on We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

Daniel Pierce, son of prophet Chuck Pierce, last Sunday revealed a prophetic dream he had concerning Russia and the United States. Chuck Pierce says we must see this dream as a clear warning that “Russia is establishing itself to a higher place,” but that God is still in control.

Daniel Pierce said in last Sunday’s service at Glory of Zion International: “In the dream, I was in a tower and it was in a war zone somewhere in the world. The tower was unfinished. Inside there were two separate forces. There was an American force and a Russian force. I knew in the dream that normally we were enemies, always at odds with each other, but in this dream, we were working together on one specific project, which was to take out a high-value target that was there in the city.

We’ve all heard of foxhole faith. But what Tatiana Gumenyuk of Ukraine reveals in an exclusive Strang Report interview is the supernatural faith that can move mountains and stop wars. Speaking while her city near Kyiv remains under attack, this intercessor urges Western believers to pray for the people of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus—and says she’s “ready to die” for her faith.

“I’m begging you, please continue to pray for us, for God’s protection of Ukraine,” she says. “At this point, many people are dead. Many people are scared. Many people are simply in need of food, health or warmth. Please pray for us to stop this war. … We’re paying a big price for this.

I’ve been hearing the Lord say that this new era will be one of abundance. Like in the parable of the talents in Matthew 25, there will be a “settling of accounts,” and for those who have been faithful with what they’ve been given and are being conformed to His image, they will receive increased power and authority and have abundance (Matt. 25:29).

Last night I had an intriguing dream. I was working for a very high level governmental official and had been going about my duties faithfully and diligently for a long time. There had been a number of things along the way that had not worked out the way I had hoped or planned, but in the process, I had become intimately familiar with everything concerning this official and, over time, had proven to him my commitment to integrity and excellence.

The scene changed and I was getting ready for a wedding—it was like I had a very significant role to play in this wedding and had put on a white wedding gown. (This speaks to being one of the saints who is preparing themselves as the bride of Christ—Rev. 19:7.) As I waited for a signal as to what to do next, a man (whom I sensed was an angel) approached me from behind.

Early in the morning on Feb. 24, President Vladimir Putin of Russia began what he called a “peacekeeping mission” in Ukraine. It was, in fact, a hostile and unlawful act of war that has been condemned by the world community. As soon as Russian bombs began falling on the Ukrainian cities of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa and the Donbas region, a Ukrainian pastor in South River, New Jersey, gathered his church to pray.

“We mobilized 24-hour prayer for five days,” says Viktor Marach, pastor of Grace Church in South River, home to a large Ukrainian population. Last Sunday, many Ukrainian Christians gathered in the city with the mayor and local police officers to pray for peace.

Like many Ukrainian-American Christians, Pastor Marach came to the United States after the Soviet Union dissolved in the early 1990s. He left Ukraine to seek religious freedom, but he cares about his family and friends back home—many of whom have fled to Poland or Romania, or to small Ukrainian villages where they can avoid bomb attacks.

In this new year, the Holy Spirit has been stirring me with a strong desire for an increase in spiritual sight, to press in and activate every gift I have been given.

I began to re-read the accounts of Elisha’s life because of his persistence and because 2022 is a double portion year. Halfway through the study, the Lord took me into a significant vision and subsequent prophetic activation, then affirmed it with insight and revelation from His Word as to what it means.

Spiritual Sight Is a Necessity to Overcome and Advance

Elisha had developed his relationship with the Spirit of the Lord to such a degree that his prayer was answered for his servant’s eyes to be opened to see into the heavenly realm when the enemy army was advancing. Elisha also received strategy to overcome the enemy. He prayed they would be blinded, then led them to another location; when it was the right time, he prayed their eyes be opened. After, he showed mercy, feeding them rather than killing them, which brought Israel favor for the future. {eoa}

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