Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Charisma Highlights: 7 Abilities for a New Agility in This Era

Following are snippets of the top stories posted on over the past week. We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

The Lord first began speaking to me about the release of seven abilities for a new agility early this year. By springtime, I had four of the seven items and, although I kept praying to receive the rest, I didn’t hear any more.

Then several weeks ago the Lord directed me to read the book of Acts, and to pay special attention to chapter 3. As I began to do this the Holy Spirit impressed on me that the last of the seven items would be revealed in the book of Acts.

Friends, I truly believe the release of these seven abilities has been reserved for such a time as this, and those who read this with an open heart will receive an impartation of these even now today.

While the abortion debate continues to rage on social media, television and in the streets, there’s a phrase none of us seem to be able to avoid: “My body, my choice.”

As a Christian, I’ve become fascinated by this phrase and have wondered, is my body actually my body according to God’s Word?

The basis of the “my body, my choice” argument is that a person has complete sovereignty over his or her body. Yet, as I’ve examined this notion through a biblical lens, I find several truths in God’s Word which contradict this way of thinking. We don’t have as much autonomy over our bodies as we might wish to believe.

God’s glory is breaking through! The Scripture says, “For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the LORD will arise upon you, and His glory will be seen upon you,” (Isaiah 60:2, ESV).

I recently had a conversation with Ashley Gronholm, whom God is using in healing, miracles, signs and wonders. She shared with me how God gave her profound prophetic insight of what is coming to the world, despite the darkness we read about in the headlines every day.

Gronholm said, “One time I had a dream and I saw Jesus. I heard His voice and He said, ‘Come!’ I’ve learned that hearing the voice of God is like tuning a radio. The more time you spend in the Word, the more time you spend in prayer, you are tuning in like a radio to hear God’s voice.”

This pandemic season hasn’t been easy—but pastors have suffered in unique ways. Statistics show that between 20-30% of churchgoers stopped attending in 2020, and the bulk of those people have not returned. In many cases, they never said goodbye.

Many of my best friends are pastors, and they have told me many sad accounts of how their church members left—both before and during the pandemic. I took a random poll this week to hear how exiting members behaved when they went out the back door:

Pastor “Bob”: “One of my members left the church, and then he told me it was because the air conditioning in the church was too cold.”

Soul ties form when we act in accordance with the flesh when developing or growing in a relationship with another person. This could be any relationship formed or grown out of shame, guilt, embarrassment, pride, loneliness, doubt and the like.

Soul ties can develop when any connection with a person is formed out of a fleshly desire to be needed, loved and accepted. In essence, it is placing a relationship or person above the relationship and person of God.

Where Do Soul Ties Come From?

As mentioned, soul ties are formed when your mind, will, and emotions are tied to or directed by anyone or anything other than the Spirit.

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