Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Psalm 133:1-3 One of God’s greatest desires is that we dwell together in unity. One of Satan’s greatest desires is that we would be divided. God hates it when men come against each other with accusations and strife.

This psalm talks about the sweetness of unity. It compares unity of the brethren to the oil that flowed from Aaron’s beard upon his garments. Oil usually symbolizes God’s anointing and His Holy Spirit. When the priests were anointed for service, oil was poured over their heads. This oil flowed freely and soaked even their garments.

The only way unity of the brethren will ever be achieved is through the anointing of God’s Holy Spirit. Natural man seeks his own agenda, and pride rules over him. If we, however, submit ourselves to be filled daily with the Holy Spirit, there is that possibility we will not even strive at all during the day. We will instead seek peace and pursue it.

When there is division in our families or church, we first should pray for God’s anointing. This anointing includes the spirit of wisdom and understanding, might and counsel, knowledge and the fear of the Lord, which are all aspects of the Spirit of the Lord. Daily I pray for a double portion of this anointing because I know the anointing is my only hope of being able to love and help others the way Jesus does. This anointing is my only hope of living in peace and harmony with those around me. Perhaps you would like to pray with me this morning as I ask for this anointing:

Father, today I ask for a double portion of Your anointing—the spirit of wisdom and understanding, counsel and might, knowledge and the fear of the Lord. Let the Spirit of the Lord rest upon me this whole day. Thank You for the unity of heart with You and with others this anointing always produces.

READ: Jonah 1:1-4:11; Revelation 5:1-14; Psalm 133:1-3; Proverbs 29:26-27

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