Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Test of Wondering Why

(PART 1)

“Why me, God? What’s going on?” Have you ever gone through an unsure time or moments of pain, and you desperately needed your prayers answered?

In those seasons of testing, it is more important than ever to delve into the Word of God and make sure your foundation is secure. Then you will find the strength and courage you need to take comfort in God’s promises.

READ: Deut. 4:31; Num. 23:19; Ps. 121:5-6; Is. 43: 2-4; Rom. 8:25-28; Phil. 3:10.
HEART ISSUE: Are you open to doing something special for yourself today? Take a few minutes to reflect on how good God is! Write some verses on index cards that declare these truths, then draw strength from the power of His promises.
PRAYER FOCUS: Father,help me more fully understand that You are a good God who desires the best for me. Help me see that, as I press forward in faith during the unsure and trying times, I will be comforted by the peace of Your love and ever-abiding presence. Your Word assures me that my life is in the hands of a merciful, great and loving God, who is always good. Amen.

(PART 2)

Reaching new levels in Christ demands maturity. This can often mean that we must look beyond seeking mere answers and begin fervently seeking the Creator Himself.

READ: Ps. 25:4-5; Ps. 28:7; Ps. 42:7-8; Ps. 91:1; 2 Cor. 2: 14; 2 Cor. 4:16-18.
HEART ISSUE: Besides seeking answers to your prayers, are you seeking the Lord Himself? I challenge you today to “go deep” in the Lord and seek Him only. Draw peace from Him alone. Expect to arrive at new levels of maturity in Him.
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, as I call to You from the depths of my person, I take delight in entering the very depths of You. Help me not to settle for what meets the eye, but rather to look beyond my circumstances. Amen.

Read a companion article.


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