Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

(Part 1)

God’s names carry great significance. As His child, You can claim His names as your inheritance and allow their meanings to broaden your understanding of who He is in your life. As you begin to apply these Scriptural names of God, expect to experience a greater move of His Spirit upon your life.

READ: Ps. 116; Prov. 18:10; Jer. 12:6; Lev. 20:8; Judg. 6:24; Ezek. 48:35.
HEART ISSUE: This week begin to refer to the names of God in your prayers, reflecting on how these names reveal His character and roles in your life.
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, I thank You for the boldness, confidence and authority that come when I draw on the power of Your names. As I walk in Your will, I will recall how they reflect Your character, and I will give You thanks that I can walk in victory because of who You are to me. Amen.

(Part 2)

Recalling the names of God throughout the day will give you a greater sense of His authority in any situation; so remember the Lord often. The more we talk to Him and reflect on His nature, the more we will come to experience an intimate sense of His presence and power in our lives.

READ: Gen. 14:19-20; Gen. 22:13-14; John 10:27-28; Eph. 2:14; Ps. 9:10; Ps. 83:18.
HEART ISSUE: Would you like to move in greater spiritual authority? Study God’s names. Learn what they mean and receive the authority represented in each one as an active part of your daily life.
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, I thank You that I can know You and receive Your awesome authority. I am empowered by You to be healed, sanctified and set at liberty from the power of the enemy. Help me to live a focused, abundant and successful life in You, my Creator. Amen.

Read a companion article.


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