Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Praying Life of Jesus

The life of ardent, incessant prayer is one of supernatural power, provision and peace. In essence, it is the life of Christ formed and activated in us.

Jesus, who lived a life of total dependence on His Father, was at all times at rest in God’s will and firmly anchored in His purpose. Even when He went to the cross, Christ’s life was open to the Father so that He was able to pray that God would be glorified.

The praying life is connected to the divine flow of God’s Spirit at every moment. It is an existence in which there is rest and continual access to the supernatural life of God.

READ: Matt. 6:7-13; Mark 1:35-39; Mark 6:45-47; Luke 6:12-19; Luke 22:39-46; John 17:1-26. 
HEART ISSUE: The discipline of prayer is often neglected, yet it is the single most essential component of spiritual formation. How would you assess your prayer life? Where could you use improvement?
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, help us to follow the example of Your Son, who always sought You with an open and attentive heart. We ask that You forgive us for making communication with You only a small part of our busy lives. Help us to please You in cultivating a more dynamic life of prayer. Amen.

Read a companion article.

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