Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Restoring Your Passion for God

Often it’s said that no one backslides overnight. We become accepting of our decreased interest in prayer and spiritual disciplines, and we gradually begin to take steps away from God. Without a conscious decision to increase in spiritual passion, we will slowly begin losing the desire we have. Then it becomes easier to tolerate carnal thoughts and behaviors. But the romance can be restored by repenting, recalling the memory of “first love” and re-establishing the intimacy by doing the first works.

READ: Deut. 6:4-9; Matt. 22:34-40; Mark 4:18-19; Mark 12:28-34; Phil. 3:7-11; Rev. 2:1-5;
HEART ISSUE: It is possible to work for God and yet lose your passion and love for Him. Repent and reclaim the zeal you once had, not out of duty but out of devotion.
PRAY: Father, forgive us for settling for service when what You desire is relationship. Bring us back to the beginning when everything was about You, when our acts of service were simply the overflow of devotion and passion for You. We are grateful to You for stirring our hearts to repent and for not allowing us to continue on a path that ultimately would lead us to tire of “dead works” and turn away from You. Thank You for the wooing of Your Spirit. Give us grace to respond. Amen.

Read a companion article.

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