Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Normally, the term addiction represents a dependency on immoral or illegal, life-controlling substances or behaviors. But the truth is, dependency on anything or anyone other than God is idolatry.

Christ wants us to be free to entrust everything that pertains to life to Him. In the Old Testament, God’s people were sorely rebuked and even judged for establishing unholy alliances with other nations and relying upon their gods for help. In judgment, God withdrew His mercies and allowed the consequences of their actions to come upon them.

Judgment is not His will for us. He does not desire for addictive behaviors to have free reign over our lives.

Yet, we must choose to draw our help and strength from His hands, or we will become subject to the illusion that somehow we must depend on ourselves.

READ: Deut. 32:3-4; Ps. 62:5-8; Ps. 63:1-5Jer.; 17:5-10; 1 Cor. 10:23-24; Gal. 5:1-16.
HEART ISSUE: Has the Lord ever dealt with you about letting go of something you felt was entirely legitimate? How should a believer respond in this case?
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, we may have needs that we’ve allowed to direct our focus away from You. Teach us not to seek easy choices or quick fixes. Help us to remember that it is not a perfect performance but perfected character that You desire. Amen.

Read a companion article.

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