Thu. Sep 19th, 2024


There is a theory growing today in the Christian community indicating that the United States is becoming so evil we will become the harlot, Mystery Babylon, inside the Tribulation. This concept is severely flawed. We learn in Genesis that Mystery Babylon was the first major church to form after the flood of Noah. It was a corrupt church that had a woman figurehead with a small son, who was supposedly a son of God by virgin birth.

During the last two weeks of September 2021, I will be sharing with you episodes # 45-50. In episode # 45, I will explain how we can know biblically that the coming second Mystery Babylon church can, in no way, be a country. It will be a co-opted corrupt version of a current-day Christian denomination that will be enveloped by Satan into the Tribulation. I will show how it is likely that the Catholic Church will be the entity that becomes this church; this relates to something interesting regarding the bones of Peter. If you are Catholic, I truly care for you and make this clear in episodes 45 and 46. My goal is to give you issues to watch for as our world becomes much darker. Biblical knowledge is our guide and friend … God tells us what is coming.

What we are witnessing in our world today is an “Agenda of Evil — Spiritual Warfare,” as I explain in episode #47. This agenda of evil is spreading today like cancer over the entire earth. Will the United States survive this evil? The answer is both yes and no, as I explain in episode #48.

There is also something today called The Great Awakening. At first blush this sounds encouraging but we need to remember that Satan is sneaky. He uses “almost truth” as if it is truth. I will explain how as Christians we can know this movement will not be a good thing in episode #49.

The title of my podcast program is 24 End Time Prophecies. I have been asked to share briefly what they all are: 12 have been fulfilled; 12 more are about to arrive. The 24th prophecy has two events that are so incredible, they will result in the most spectacular day in all human history. I will share all 24 prophecies with you in episode #50.

We are “blessed” to be living within the most exciting time in world history. God is amazing!

You can find my podcast, 24 END TIME PROPHECIES, on the Charisma Podcast Network.

I offer two books on God’s 24 end time prophecies if you might like to know more on this subject. Please visit us at I offer my textbook Stunned and my historical novel The Pastor of the Last Days. The novel is a short, exciting read; the last chapter will give you goosebumps! {eoa}

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