Messengers from Glory

The Scriptures include countless references to angels in both the Old and the New Testaments. This should convince us that God does not stand far off from His people when we need His intervention. Often, He sends angels to comfort, instruct and encourage us with a word, a song or a touch.

Because we don’t always embrace the reality of angelic comfort, these encounters can go unnoticed. But we never face desperate circumstances alone.

READ: Gen. 21:12-17; Gen. 22:15-19; Ex. 23:20-25; Acts 5:19-23; Acts 12:5-19; Heb. 13:1-2.
HEART ISSUE: Can you recall an occasion on which an angel of the Lord visited you? What was the outcome of your angelic encounter?
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, we don’t want to shift our focus to angels and away from You. However, we ask that You make us more keenly aware of the nearness of the spiritual realm so that we will open our hearts and minds to Your special ministers. Amen.

Read a companion article.

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