Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

We’ve all had the experience of being touched so powerfully by the Holy Spirit that we knew instantly everything would change from that moment. Throughout our time on earth there can be many life-changing encounters with the Spirit of God. Often we may be tempted to question whether a permanent impartation has taken place. Scripture does offer us prerequisites for staying on fire for God.

Begin using what you have. Keep in mind the fact that the anointing is not given for personal consumption. The anointing must be allowed to flow out to others.

READ: 1 Sam. 9:15-16; 1 Sam. 16:1,13;1 Kin. 17:8-16; 1 Kin. 17:17-24; 2 Kin. 4:1-7; Ps. 23:4-6.
HEART ISSUE: Practicing times of solitude, walking in fearless obedience and being open to change will allow the oil of the anointing to continuously flow in us. Which area needs work in your life?
PRAY: Father, show us the things we say, do or tolerate in our lives that slow the flow of the anointing in us. Show us in every situation what is required to have Your favor. We pray that nothing on earth will cause us to lose the deposit of the anointing You’ve given us. Before that can happen, convict us, close doors and remove us from any circumstances that hinder our ability to walk and minister in the power of God. Amen.

Read a companion article.

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