Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Living with My Son’s Fatal Choice

(PART 1)

We have all known pain that was impossible to comprehend. Being willing to surrender our dearly held hopes is something we must do in order to have God’s comfort and, ultimately, His best.

READ: Gen. 21:1-8; Gen. 22:1-18; Ps. 23; Ps. 34:1-18; Hab. 3:17-19; Heb. 11:17-19.
HEART ISSUE: In her book When I Lay My Isaac Down, author Carol Kent wrote: “Heart sacrifices are empowering choices when we understand that we have made the right decision.” Why do you think this is true?
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, You know all about the losses of my life. These things did not overwhelm me because of Your grace. Help me to be strong in faith. I trust You, Lord, and I believe Your promises. Amen.

(PART 2)

God can turn the devastating circumstances of our human experience into opportunities to display His glory in the earth. The key is to trust what we know to be true about His nature and believe His Word in spite of how things may appear to us.

READ: Ps. 91; Luke 5:17-26; Rom. 5:2-5; 2 Cor. 1:3-11; 2 Cor. 4:16-18; Rom. 15:4,13.
HEART ISSUE: Have you walked through great pain and seen the glory of God?
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, I am so amazed at Your ability to turn tragedy into triumph. Today I lay down my cares and place all my hope in You. Reveal Your glory and surprise me with Your Spirit’s peace and joy. Amen.

Read a companion article.

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