Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

ICEJ USA Director Says Proof of the Bible Is Found in Its Honesty

The Bible is often portrayed by antagonists or secularists as mythology. But when I read the stories in the Bible, I find such gut-wrenching honesty that I am confident it is true.

For example, who would make up a story about ancestors as slaves in Egypt? If I were going to make up a story about my ancestors, I would make them kings and princes—not slaves!

Or if I were going to describe the lives of the patriarchs and founders of my faith, I would probably leave out stories like when Abram lies to Pharaoh that Sarai is his sister, and she is taken into the royal harem. Abraham, whose faith was accounted unto him as righteousness, did not trust God to protect his life and sent Sarai into the Pharaoh’s harem?

The story of Jacob and Esau is so honest that Jacob’s reputation has suffered centuries of sermons describing him as a supplanter and a deceiver. The father of the 12 tribes of Israel deceived his father in order to receive the blessing of the firstborn. Who would make something like that up?

It is actually the honesty of these stories that serves to encourage all of us. God knows our weaknesses, and He is not caught by surprise when we make a mistake. He was so much greater than the mistakes of Abraham or Jacob, and He is certainly greater than mine.

Join me each week as we Walk Thru the Bible and learn the life-changing stories and lessons of this amazing book. To read along with me, download our Bible Reading Plan. {eoa}

Dr. Susan Michael is USA Director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem and host of the Out of Zion podcast.

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