Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
I must truthfully say that I have found no Scripture verse forbidding a woman to preach, pray or prophesy. Instead, I found a large number of permission Scriptures. The words preach and prophesy cannot be separated. “But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort” (1 Cor. 14:3, KJV). That is exactly what a preacher does. The word prophesy means “to speak, or foretell, under divine influence.”

In the book of Joel, God said that women would prophesy. Paul the Apostle also stated that women would prophesy. Some say women should not minister to a mixed group. However, we find that Priscilla helped her husband to instruct Apollos more fully in the way of the Lord (see Acts 18:26).

Phoebe, an unmarried woman in the church, attended and took part in a business meeting at Paul’s commission (see Rom. 16:1-2). The great letter to the Romans was delivered by her. And women had a prominent part in the ministry of Christ Himself. All four Gospels bear out the fact that after His resurrection Christ appeared first to women. Jesus ordained women to tell the men that He was risen.

Thank You, Lord, for using women throughout history to proclaim the glorious gospel. Use me as You see fit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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