Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

God Sees You When You’re Hidden

(Part 1)

God does not make mistakes in what He keeps hidden or in His timing for revealing those very things. Regardless of what may not be happening at the moment, God is not through with you. As you study the life of Christ in the Gospels you will discover that quiet, insignificant times of seeming anonymity can be times of profound preparation for the greater, more significant roles that await you.

READ: Matt. 13: 54-58; Mark 1:15; Luke 2:49; John 1:46; John 2:4; Acts 17:26-28.
HEART ISSUE: Ask God for a revelation of the purpose for your hidden season. Write down His responses to you and allow them to fuel your prayers.
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, thank You for hiding and protecting me. I am thankful that you have perfectly orchestrated the times of my life so that the best will come forth at the appropriate season. Grant me patience, and help me to be sensitive to Your leading in order to realize the best results. Amen.

(Part 2)

Do not lose heart or become frustrated when others do not recognize God’s gifts in you. Consider that God (whose timing is perfect) may have hidden your significance for reasons that only He knows. However, remember that His reasons are for the best. Get into His Word and discover how those hidden things—like treasures—are riches, planted deeply within you by a loving God who will reveal them to bless you and others in His time.

READ: Ps. 91; Matt. 3:17; Luke 10:21; John 7:33; Gal. 6:9; Phil. 2:5-7.
HEART ISSUE: Ask God to help you see His special care in keeping your life hidden and protected until the time is right to bring you forth as a great blessing.
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, in Jesus’ name, thank You for the gifts and callings with which You’ve blessed my life. I trust You to keep me safe and to protect the treasure you’ve deposited in me. I will wait for Your perfect season. Amen!

Read a companion article.


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