Don’t Buy Satan’s Lie: Fall in Love With God’s Word

How many of us can say along with the psalmist, “I love your commandments, more than gold” (Ps. 119:127a, NIV)? That is quite a statement of how valuable and precious is the Word of God. Yet many people do not read the Scriptures because they find the Bible hard to understand.

Others are being told the Bible is not true and contains contradictions and errors. Their minds have been filled with doubt, just as the serpent filled Eve’s mind with doubt in the Garden of Eden when he questioned, “Did God really say?” The doubt planted in Eve’s mind grew into disbelief and disobedience, the consequence of which was sin and much suffering.

These lies are designed to mislead and rob Christians from knowing the power and strength they will gain from spending time in the Word. Not only is the Bible filled with insights for living a full and meaningful life, but it is inspired by the Holy Spirit. Time spent reading it is time spent in fellowship with God through the Holy Spirit. It is a book that not only tells a fascinating story but can change lives.

Studying in Israel is what made my Bible come alive some 40 years ago. Studying the Scriptures in their physical and historical setting, surrounded by the Eastern culture and Jewish religion that it speaks to, made all the difference for me.

I believe the Bible is the most exciting book on the planet! I hope you will say the same after joining me for the 3D Bible series on the Out of Zion podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

Dr. Susan Michael is the USA director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem and host of the Out of Zion podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network.

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