Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Satan desires to destroy our lives through our thoughts. Prolonged fearful or bitter thoughts can lead to casualty covenants with the enemy, which produce destruction.

READ: Prov. 3:5-8; Prov. 4:23-27; Prov. 18:21; 2 Cor. 10:3-5; Phil. 4:7; 2 Tim. 2:24-26.
HEART ISSUE: Where have you formed “casualty covenants” through negative, fearful or bitter thoughts? What “root” issue do you need to surrender?
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, forgive me for listening to the enemy. Teach me to take every thought captive and make my mind obey the truth and will of Christ. Amen.

Read a companion article.

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