Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

7 Biblical Truths to Overcome Fear of the End Times

Note: This is Part 1 of a two-part article. For Part 2, click here.

Do the words “anti-Christ,” “mark of the beast,” “bowls of wrath,” “wars,” “famines,” stir up fearful emotions in you? If so, you are not alone. Wrong beliefs and illiteracy on these subjects can produce anxiety and confusion about the future. When this happens, our tendency is to avoid the subject entirely.

From Genesis to Revelation there are 150 chapters where the primary focus is on the events surrounding end times’ prophecy. God purposely gave us an ample amount of information about the last days so that we would be both assured of His ultimate victory (John 16:33) and of His commitment in helping us be overcomers (Rev 12:11).

These seven truths will help you stand with inner peace concerning the coming days of difficulty.

1. Repent for Lack of Trust

The root of fear is usually connected to our lack of trust in God. When we recognize this in our lives, we must repent, choose to believe and ask God to increase our faith (Luke 17:5). He is a good, trustworthy Father who loves to look after us. He will do the impossible with our mustard seed of faith.

2. You Are Chosen

God chose you and loved you first (John 15:16; 1 John 4:18-19). By faith we receive His free gift of grace and mercy (Eph. 2:4-9). No amount of human work or striving can save us. When God chooses you and seals you with His Spirit, there is nothing that can separate you from Him (Rom. 8:35-39). You are secure in His embrace. His grace alone empowers us to overcome Satan, our flesh, the world and the difficulties of the end times.

3. Yeshua’s Leadership is Perfect

Words like “granted” or “was given authority” repeatedly appear through the book of Revelation (22 times). God allows Satan and the Antichrist to do their evil will (Rev. 6:4; 13:5,14). God is never surprised or caught off guard. He is all knowing, all powerful and will use the schemes of Satan for His own purposes. Yeshua will never make a mistake in His leadership. He is our good Shepherd and can be fully trusted (Luke 12:7). Even the amount of tribulation He allows us to experience will not be more that we can bear (1 Cor. 10:13) and will ultimately prepare us and purify us (Dan. 11:35; Rev. 19:7) to rule with Him in the age to come (Rev. 20:6).

4. The Church is Yeshua’s Highest Priority

In Revelation chapter one Yeshua is seen in the midst of seven lampstands, which are a symbol of seven churches in Asia. In His right hand were seven stars, which symbolized the seven congregational leaders of these churches (Rev. 1:12-13, 20; 2:1). Before God revealed the end time judgments to come, He first revealed Yeshua’s nearness to His church (ekklesia). Not only is He in their midst but He holds them in His hand. By knowing this, can we be prepared for the rest of the events through the book of Revelation. Yeshua’s highest priority is His church (Matt. 16:18) and He will never leave or forsake us (Heb. 13:5). {eoa}

Cody Archer, along with his wife, Liat, help lead the youth group at Ahavat Yeshua and work together in Revive Israel’s international department.

This article originally appeared at reviveisrael.org.

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