Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Have you ever been stuck? If you’ve ever driven a 4- or
5-speed car and tried to shift gears you know what I mean. It’s not always
easy. Sometimes it can be frustrating and what is meant to help propel you to
another place instead hinders your journey.

I found that in life, as in certain cars, shifting is
challenging. But as I navigate this journey I’m discovering that there are some
things we can do to make shifting smoother. If you’ve shifted gears you will
understand the message that God has given me and if not, let me explain how to
shift gears in your life.

1. Make Sure to Let Go of the Past. Sometimes we get stuck in spiritual limbo because we’re
holding on to memories, relationships or what is secure and comfortable. The
unbelieving children of Israel wandered in the wilderness of Sinai for 40
years—and never completed the shift because they were so homesick for Egypt.
You must leave nostalgia behind and embrace the new season.

2. Stop the Doubts. If
we’re not careful we can fall into the trap of double-mindedness. We say we
want to go to our promised land, but we hesitate—and all such foot dragging is
doubt. We say we want to go forward, but we are like a moving car that has its
parking brake engaged. Faith requires you to release the brake. James warns the
double-minded person: “For that man ought not to expect that he will receive
anything from the Lord” (see James 1:7 NASB). Doubt will stop you from shifting

3. Welcome Those God Sends to Help You. We’re not supposed to make the shift
on our own. God uses people to push us to the next level. The body of Christ
has many members, and those who are gifted as prophets, intercessors, wise
counselors and encouragers will always show up when you are in strategic
moments of shifts.

When Moses was weary of the
battle and could barely find strength to pray, God sent Aaron and Hur to lift
up his arms (see Exodus 17:12). When Hezekiah was overwhelmed by the threat of
Sennacherib’s armies, Isaiah brought a word from the Lord that ignited faith
for a miraculous victory (see 2 Kings 19). When Mary was perplexed by the
daunting task of carrying the Messiah in her womb, Elizabeth released a
prophetic blessing over her (see Luke 1:41-45).

Intercessors who are empowered by the Holy Spirit
are like spiritual midwives who help us birth God’s promise when we don’t have
the strength to deliver. A spiritual shift is a painful process, but certain
people have an unusual grace from God to travail with us. Allow them to pray
for you and speak to your situation.

4. Pray for Your Promise.
A shift in season is a vulnerable time—and it requires spiritual
warfare. The enemy is a thief and he wants to rob us of our inheritance. He
does not want us to move forward in God, take new territory, assume new
authority or advance into our spiritual callings. Satan is also an
abortionist—he wants to devour your promise before it is born.

This is why we must wield
God’s promise as a weapon against our enemy. Paul wrote, “This
command I entrust to you, Timothy, my son, in accordance with the
prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you fight the good
fight” (1 Tim. 1:18, NASB). God gives us prophetic
promises to literally pull us into our future. Declare them over your life,
even when the darkness of discouragement is smothering you. God’s Word will
break satanic resistance.

5. Stay Close to the Shepherd.
Over the past month four people have given me the same promise from
Psalm 32:8: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way
which you should go. I will counsel you with My eye upon you.” It’s
comforting to know that the Good Shepherd takes such special, up-close-and-personal
care of us, especially during vulnerable times of shifting when we don’t know
which way to turn.

Be assured that He knows your destination and He is
committed to guiding you, even if you have to walk through the valley of the
shadow of death to get there. He will not leave you in the land of “Between.”
With His rod and staff He will usher you into your promised territory.


This week seek the Lord daily and thank Him for His daily
direction and the plans He has for you. Express your love and gratitude for His
past faithfulness and tell Him that you trust Him with every aspect of your
life. If you are in transition, look for those whom He sends to pray and
encourage you in this season and see them as a gift from Him. Continue to pray
for the protection of Israel and the persecuted church when you pray for your
own nation and its leaders. Ask God to pour out His Spirit, draw all to Him and
send more laborers into His harvest fields. Matt 9:38

To enrich your prayer
life and learn how to strategically pray with power by using appropriate
scriptures, we recommend the following sources by Apostle John Eckhardt:
Prayers that Rout Demons, Prayers that Bring Healing, Prayers that Release Heaven on Earth and Prayers that Break
Curses. To order any or all of these click here.

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