Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

As you begin a fresh week and a new year, what is it you
will seek? Will it be comfort or will you seek the will of Christ in every area
of your life?

I believe God is calling us to rise up as women of God and
be strong in these days, women who are not comfort seekers, but women who are
not afraid to face the giants and do the hard things if that’s what it will
mean to fulfill the will of Christ in our lives.

Have you ever wondered if Mary, the mother of Jesus, asked
herself, “Am I comfortable?” when she took the 100 mile journey from Nazareth
to Bethlehem, riding on a donkey through rough terrain, and being very pregnant? 

I wonder if she asked herself the same question while lying
in the stable amongst the smelly sheep and goats, giving birth to the Son of
God (see Luke 2:1-7).

I wonder if she murmured and complained as some of us would,
or if she just embraced the pain knowing the child she bore would change
mankind forever.

I wonder if Esther asked, “Am I comfortable?” going before
the King knowing that it could mean her life? Was she comfortable when her
uncle gave her admonition and warning about her own fate? Was she comfortable
when she accepted her role, took her place in history and said, “If I perish, I
perish?” (Esth. 4:11, 17).

I wonder if Deborah was comfortable when she gave Barak the
word of the Lord concerning Sisera? Was she comfortable making the decision to
go with Barak and 10,000 men to fight him, and then having to tell him that the
Lord would deliver the king into the hands of a woman? (See Judg. 4:8-9.)

I wonder if Jesus was comfortable when the Spirit led Him
into the wilderness to fast and pray for 40 days. Was He comfortable without
food, water and a place to lay His head? Was He comfortable being tempted and
confronted by Satan? (See Matt. 4:1-11.)

I wonder if He was comfortable on the cross. Was He
comfortable being mocked, humiliated, beaten, spit upon? Was He comfortable
enduring the isolation of abandonment and shame? Was He comfortable bearing the
sins of the world?

Doing the will of God may not be comfortable, but it will
always produce the fruit of righteousness. I believe the days of seeking
comfort must come to an end if we are truly going to become glorious on the
earth—His glorious church. God has called us, His people, to do exploits in the
earth. This will not happen through a comfort-seeking church.

So don’t seek to be comfortable or to conform to this world,
but seek and pursue the will of Christ even when it means doing the hard
things! You will be victorious. God will fill your heart with hope and faith to
finish the race well! Through faith and patience you will inherit the promises
of God (see Heb. 6:12). You are precious in His sight;
trust Him and He will make everything right.

Perhaps you have said, even today, “This is too hard, I just
can’t do it.” God wants you to know that He has given you everything you need
to face the giants and to conquer them. He’s made you more than a conqueror (see Rom. 8:37). Lean into and
stand strong in Him! This is not a time to give in, but a time to win! God will
so stir your heart and so strengthen you that nothing will cause you to back
down or back away from the challenges you face today. Keep moving forward in

I close today encouraging you to die to the cry for comfort
in your life and come alive to the cry of Christ to arise, be strong and be
in the earth! As women of God we
can and will run with great confidence into the battles of life, never shying
away, knowing that He is with us and that we have nothing to fear! Let’s be
consumed with a passion to please God enough that we will be willing to face
discomfort, if necessary, to fulfill His will.


This week as you embrace the New Year and its unknown
possibilities, know that the One who hung the stars and established time is the
same One who holds you securely in His hands. Rest in that fact as you pray and
seek His guidance for direction in the days ahead and thank Him that He is ever
faithful.  Continue to pray for our
nation, the president, all in leadership with him and our military.  Remember those entering into new
positions of leadership in our states and legislature. Pray for wisdom
regarding our position on Israel and for its safety.  Continue to pray for revival to sweep through our churches,
across the nation and the world. 
Jer. 29:11; Rom. 8:37

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