Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Apostolic Voices Share Dynamic Lessons from Demon Slayer Podcast

Read time: 3 minutes 27 seconds

*Note: This is the second piece of a two-part series. To view the first piece, click here.

The Demon Slayer podcast kicked off the year with a bang in the spiritual realm!

Teaming up were the apostolic voices of Alexander Pagani, Isaiah Saldivar, Mike Signorelli, Daniel Adams and Greg Locke.

The slayers broke down their discussion into three distinct topics for the edification and uplifting of their audience, and got vulnerable in the process.

Those topics discussed are the lessons that they as leaders in the Christian church learned in 2022, what they feel the Lord has for 2023 and the amazing deliverance revival that is taking place right now!

In the first article, Alexander Pagani, Isaiah Saldivar and Mike Signorelli shared what they had learned and how they had grown in 2022 as leaders, the issues they faced and how they are motivated now more than ever to tackle the New Year with a vengeance.

Now, Pastor Greg Locke and Daniel Adams share their lessons learned and how God is continuing to sharpen their skills to take the fight to the enemy.

“I’m almost 47, right,” Pastor Locke shared. “And this has been a year that I have grown and matured more in the Lord than [in] 30 years of my salvation.

“Here’s what people need to understand… I was probably the most politically involved pastor in America. …God used the controversy of politics for years… God used deliverance ministry to temper me and to humble me in a lot of ways.”

Opening up about his years in the political theater, Locke shared that political goals do not drive him anymore and that it is now God’s spiritual goals that affect all arenas in the earth, including politics.

“I’ve lost the flavor of politics for the nation, and gained the flavor of the kingdom of God. Deliverance did that to me,” Locke revealed.

Saying he still loves and stands for the flag, Locke identified the primary focus for Christians who want to impact America, and that is through the kingdom of God: “Deliverance has so changed me over the course of the last year,” Locke declared. “At the end of the day… deliverance ministry has changed my focus and my fight. And so, I’m much more careful about what I get involved in now, because I want to be about the kingdom.”

Sharing with the group, Locke explained an area that he believes America threatened by more than any political system.

“America is more in trouble with witchcraft than it is with communism,” Locke says.” If we don’t deal with witchcraft, we’re in a mess. America is gonna fall because of witchcraft not communism.”

Rounding out the podcast’s lessons of 2022, and not to be passed over, the venerable Daniel Adams brought the fire as he shared what the Lord had taught him over the past year.

“2022 was humbling for me… the Lord showed me that the revival that is on the earth is not a one-person gig,” Adams said. “He showed me it does not belong to one church; it does not belong to one individual.”

Adams laid it out for people that we are not the special ones, it is God who is the special One and that Christians need unity within the body to spread and lift up the kingdom of heaven.

“I love the fact that God has shown me we have a unified revival that is global, and there is people all over the place… you are not alone,” Adams declared. “God’s glory is covering the earth, and He’s using deliverance to wake that up.”

Adams’ declarations of unity mirror that of the church after Jesus ascended following His Resurrection. The apostles were of one accord as the Holy Spirit fell upon them, filling them with the promise Jesus left them with.

Now, the church needs this same sense of unity more than ever. As division plagues every aspect of society, the cure lies within the love and power of Jesus.

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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