Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

God Trusted Mary … Can He Trust You?

What does a man look for in a woman? The answer may
surprise you. Initially he may be attracted by looks, a certain style,
a winning personality. But when it comes to making a commitment, the
main issue for men is trust. It is much easier for a man to give his body than to give his heart. Before he commits his heart to a woman, he must know: Can I trust you?

What does God look for in a woman? When He has an
extraordinary work that needs to be done, when He has a special calling
that requires a “certain someone,” how does He choose? Again, the issue
is trust.

Consider Mary, the young woman selected by God to birth
His only begotten Son. What was it about Mary that persuaded God to
choose her? The Bible tells us nothing about her appearance—nothing
about her hair, her stature, her shape, the texture of her skin or even
the attractiveness of her personality. Yet according to the angel who
greeted her, she was “highly favored” and “blessed…among women” (Luke
1:28, NKJV).

Why was she chosen? I believe the answer can be found on
the lips of Simeon, the old man in the temple who took the baby Jesus
in his arms, blessed God and spoke these words to Mary: “Behold, this
Child is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a
sign which will be spoken against (yes, a sword will pierce through your own soul also), that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed” (Luke 2:34-35, emphasis added).

I believe God chose Mary because He knew He could trust
her. And not just with good times. Anyone can do well when times are
good, when blessing and prosperity and comfort are the norm.

He knew He could trust her with trouble!
Throughout her life her heart would be pierced, again and again. Yet
Mary could be counted on, in the words of the commercial, to “take a
lickin’ and keep on tickin’.”

The fact is, when you’ve been selected by God, it’s for
the long haul. His question is not “Can I trust you for one event?”;
it’s “Can I trust you through stages and ages, through eras and eons,
to be as faithful at the end of time as you were at the beginning?

“Can I trust you to go through changes and still not
change? Can I trust you to relocate and never move? Can I trust you to
be altered and never be different?”

Simeon told Mary that a sword would pierce her soul. She
was about to embark on a journey into the very purpose of her life—and
it would cost her everything.

“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper
than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and
spirit, and of joints and marrow” (Heb. 4:12). If you are going to find
God’s word for you—if you are going to fulfill His will and purpose for
your life—I guarantee the journey will pierce your soul as it did

Can He trust you? Can you be counted on to “deliver,” even though your heart is pierced in the process?

Mary’s heart went through seven “piercings”—seven painful
trials, seven tests of trust—that might have shaken and moved any one
of us. But in them all, Mary proved that God’s trust in her had not
been misplaced.

You, too, will suffer many piercings if you’re serious
about pursuing the will of God for your life. But you can learn from
Mary’s example as you face the questions that are on God’s heart:

1. Can He trust you with misunderstanding?

Not even Joseph understood at first. All he knew was that
he was engaged to a young girl carrying a baby she said God gave her!
God straightened him out, but Mary still faced the whispers and sneers
of the other people around her. She walked through adversity and
delivered in the midst of misunderstanding—without fighting for herself
or arguing to prove it was a holy thing.

God never has to be defended. And when He has called you
to get the job done, you can be confident that “He who has begun a good
work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Phil. 1:6).

If you are going to be “highly favored,” if God is going
to do anything mighty in your life, you cannot spend all your time
trying to get everybody to understand and agree with you. Are you
willing to be controversial to produce the “Christ” in you? Is God
doing something important enough in your spirit for you to endure misunderstanding?

2. Can He trust you to hide the treasure?

Mary took the wonderful baby she had birthed—the very Son
of God—and hid her “treasure” for two years in Egypt. God knew that He
could trust her to possess a great treasure—and keep it to herself.

Can God trust you to keep a secret? Can He do something
wonderful in your life, knowing you will not flaunt it? Can He give you
an ability, knowing you will not rush to put it on stage?

The birth of Jesus was a new thing. It had never happened
before! Some of the things God wants to do in your life will be new, as
well. But like Mary, you have to know when to hide the “new thing.”

Mary took Jesus to Egypt to escape Herod’s death warrant.
The enemy is after your “baby,” too. He is after your dream, your
vision. He wants to kill it early, before it is fully developed.

Just as God had to know that He could trust Mary with a
supernatural blessing, that He could depend on her to hide it until the
time was right, He wants to know: Can He trust you to hide the treasure He’s given you until the appointed time?

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