An Angelic Miracle in Shanghai

Read Time: 4 Minutes 9 Seconds

God is always faithful to His beloved sons and daughters. That is why we never have to be anxious or afraid, because no matter what is going on in the world around us, we are citizens of a different kingdom.

We know that where there is hurt, there is opportunity for healing. Where there is poverty, there is opportunity for provision. Where there is madness, there is opportunity for miracles!

I want to share with you a powerful testimony from one of our students in Shanghai. Over the past two years, I’ve had the privilege of doing many training sessions via Zoom. This has allowed us to minister in places we could not have traveled to, otherwise.

This week I’ll be sharing online with a school of ministry in Germany, and I have taught on the sacred supernatural to Burmese groups in Myanmar, as well as Mandarin-speaking groups in China.

Testimony from Shanghai

Pastor Joseph Liu of China Servant Leadership Center has been organizing our Zoom trainings and it’s been a joy to equip our Chinese brothers and sisters in not only understanding God’s messages to them through their dreams, but also empowering them to partner with the angelic realm.

In one such meeting I had shared on several of the ways Scripture reveals angels minister to us. We looked at biblical examples of angels bringing not only protection, but also spiritual understanding, physical healing and supernatural provision.

I taught that everything God did through the ministry of angels in the Bible, He wants to do in our lives today as well. The group was hungry to receive everything the Lord had for them, and I was so blessed to receive the following testimony from the precious lady who served as my translator for the events.

As you may have heard, there were very strict pandemic lockdowns earlier this year in China, with people not even being able to leave their homes. It was in this situation that the company of heaven intervened and made a house call. Just like the angel brought food to Elijah in 1 Kings 19:5-8, an angel brought food to Shiny Zhang too!

In Her Own Words

“Due to the quick spread of the Omicron virus, the whole city of Shanghai is closed. We have to stay at home during the quarantine. It has become very difficult for people to get daily food supply. We are in a very short [supply] of food. Many people can’t buy vegetables and meat.

“Last Saturday, I had the opportunity to be the interpreter of Charity. She shared the topic of angels. Several days later, this Wednesday night someone knocked [on] our door and told us this was our order of the food online, a package with meat and vegetables.

“My husband and I were very surprised, since we didn’t order anything online. We asked few of our friends whether it was them who was kind to order the food for us. They all denied. My husband also told me that day all the delivery were stopped, there could be no delivery man to send the order.

“Later we thought that it could only be the angel who sent us this package of food. This is the first time that I have such amazing experience with the angel. Praise the Lord!”

Sons of God

Hallelujah! The Lord is such a good, good Father, and He has provided for everything we need, including angelic guardians.

There is so much needless confusion and ignorance around the topic of angels. Let’s explore what Scripture reveals. Let’s ask Jesus Himself about angels and see what He says! Get your questions answered. Lay your fears to rest.

In the book of Job, angels are repeatedly referred to as the “sons of God.” This is important for us to recognize, because if we say that we honor God, then it only makes sense we would honor His family too. Most parents appreciate it when you go out of your way to engage their children rather than ignoring them! And so it is with Father God. We honor Him best when we interact with the angels that He created for us and assigned to us (Ps. 91:11-12).

Just imagine a sports team who never gives the ball to their strongest, fastest team members. How do they expect to win if they don’t ever engage the best players they have? I wonder the same thing about spiritual warfare. Angels are more powerful than we are, and they know the enemy’s strategies better than we do. Why would we effectively “bench them” by not actively working together with them?

I had a dream recently where flight attendants and airline captains were all invited to a party, but then there was no food for them. The “people who fly” represented angels, and they were not being shown hospitality. This reminded me of Hebrews 13:2, where God clearly instructs us to “entertain angels,” to show them hospitality, to engage them.

But isn’t it dangerous to interact with angels? YES … to the kingdom of darkness. It is dangerous to the enemy when we begin working with the company of heaven!

So, what are we waiting for? Let’s learn everything we can about these ministering spirits Father intended to serve and assist us (Heb. 1:14), and purposefully partner together with them in bringing heaven to earth!

Charity Virkler Kayembe has a doctorate in biblical studies, is passionate about the sacred supernatural and writes about the unfolding adventure that is walking by the Spirit on her blog at She has been featured on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!, Cornerstone TV, Charisma magazine and The Elijah List. Charity is the co-author of four books, including Hearing God Through Your DreamsUnleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions and Everyday Angels.

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