Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

1 Peter 3:10-4:6 So many people in the world are almost hyper about adding days to their lives. They go from one health fad to another, hoping against hope that their longevity will be increased. We see the fitness freaks, the joggers, dieters, vitaholics, weight lifters all trying to beat old Father Time.

In this passage Peter tells us one sure way we can lengthen our days here on earth. Listen to his advice: “For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it” (1 Pet. 3:10-11, KJV).

Here Peter lists four ways we can lengthen our days on earth and insure they will be good days:

1. Refrain our tongues from evil

2. Speak no guile

3. Hate evil

4. Pursue peace

Think about it a moment. What would your day be like if you never spoke evil of anyone, but instead you sought to live at peace with all men? That would be a good day! What would your day be like if you refused to enter into any evil practices or even entertain evil thoughts in your mind? That would be a good day! If you lived this way, you would always have a measure of peace that would see you through any amount of stress from your job, church or family.

Even as I write this, my son is under unbelievable stress because of a job situation, but I know he will get through this stressful time because the Prince of Peace lives in his heart. We can be under tremendous stress from outside factors, but if we have peace in our hearts, our bodies and minds will not crumble under the pressure.

If we refuse to entertain evil and hate evil, we would be more careful to keep the laws of the land. So many deaths occur on the highways because of drunk drivers. I must confess I have often gone above the speed limit, and at those times I know I have walked out of God’s protection. I read recently that we have four guardian angels—two who go with us wherever we go and two who remain in our dwelling place to protect it. I also read that our guardian angels cannot break the law, so when I speed in my car, my angels are left behind. This has made me slow down, and this small obedience to the law may also add years to my life. Peter shared timeless truths that will help us all experience good days. Obedience to our heavenly Father and those in authority is a major way we can insure we will live out our appointed days and experience good days.

READ: Daniel 1:1-2:23; 1 Peter 3:10-4:6; Psalm 119:71-80; Proverbs 28:14

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