Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

“And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing, and they brought the Lord’s offering to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all his service, and for the holy garments” (Exod. 35:21).

This is a beautiful story of how the people had a willing heart to give, to work and to serve. We learn in the next chapter how willing the people actually were. Exodus 36:5 says, “And they spake unto Moses, saying, The people bring much more than enough for the service of the work, which the Lord commanded to make” (KJV).

Often in this passage we see the phrase, “their hearts were stirred up.” When we have a willing heart, the Lord by the power of His Holy Spirit is able to stir our hearts. The great encourager, the Holy Spirit, stirs us with an anointing and a vision to give generously. All He is waiting for is a willing heart.

Recently I received a letter from a YWAM missionary who told a modern-day version of this passage in Exodus. The YWAM base in Africa was hosting a school of prayer where people came from all nations. At one of the meetings it was announced that a special offering would be taken to raise the monies needed for a high-tech video machine that would enable interactive teaching through the video. The price was $17,000. No one that night came prepared to give an offering, but this did not discourage the willing hearts present at this meeting. God moved upon the young people present to give precious jewelry, stereos, guitars, etc.

Possessions worth $11,000 were given. A man from Taiwan then offered to pay the balance, but later the Lord moved on this same man’s heart to give the full amount of $17,000. All the precious items were returned to their owners because this man was stirred in his heart to give the total amount needed. What a story of redemption.

When we have a willing heart, we are stirred up to give by the Holy Spirit. Then our heavenly Father is stirred to return to us in some way far more than we thought possible. He has already redeemed us as His precious possession.

Lord, give me a willing heart, and then enable me by the power of the Holy Spirit to give generously. Stir me up to give, and thank You for enabling me to be a faithful giver.

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