Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not. —1 Corinthians 14:22

God sends the Holy Ghost to come into the human body. He takes charge of the vocal organs and the person has nothing to do about it. But, for all that God does—such a wonderful thing—some of you will not believe it. Tongues are for a sign to unbelievers. In Acts, they were the worst kind of unbelievers—they had crucified the Lord. Nonetheless, they were made to believe in Jesus Christ by this sign. They were convinced by this sign that Jesus was the Messiah, when everything else had failed.

These were unlearned men, all Galileans, yet they spoke all the tongues representing the different nations in a wonderful way. It takes years and years to master other languages, and very few speak other languages fluently like natives. These were unlearned people, yet they spoke fluently, like the natives, because God Almighty spoke through them.

Everyone who is baptized in the Holy Ghost today, as he ought to be, speaks in another language, and the first words almost always are, “Jesus is coming soon!”

Speak through me, Holy Spirit, that unbelievers might
hear Your voice and be convinced that
Jesus Christ is Lord. Amen.

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