5 Urgent Prophetic Instructions Christians Cannot Ignore

As Christians enter the tumultuous era of the end times, prayer emerges as an indispensable lifeline, offering comfort, guidance and spiritual fortification amidst the prevailing chaos.

In a world rife with uncertainty and upheaval, prayer serves as a direct line of communication and empowerment with God Almighty.

Evangelist Perry Stone aptly emphasizes how mastering the art of prayer becomes paramount, for it is through earnest communion with God that one finds strength to navigate the trials and tribulations as discussed in Scripture.

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Prayer not only fosters intimacy with the our Father in heaven but also discernment, enabling believers to align our hearts with God’s will and stand firm in faith amid the rising tide of adversity.

Here are five urgent instructions believers must follow in their prayer lives:

1. Pray for Worthiness

Stone emphasizes the importance of prayer, referencing Luke 21:36, which states, “Therefore watch always and pray that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will happen and to stand before the Son of Man.” Stone urges followers to learn the art of prayer, emphasizing its pivotal role in navigating the challenges of the last days.

“Learning how to pray properly is the first primary instruction Jesus would give you if he were here in person. I want to teach you how to pray,” Stone reveals.

2. Watch and Be Alert

Stone highlights the need for vigilance, quoting Mark 13:3, “Watch and pray, for you do not know when the time is.” He encourages believers to stay alert, emphasizing the complementary nature of watching and praying to be prepared for Christ’s return.

“If we pray and we’re not watching, we won’t see the enemy coming. If we watch but we’re not praying, we don’t have the weapons that we need,” Stone teaches.

3. Avoid Carelessness

Pointing to Matthew 24:48, Stone warns against becoming careless or complacent in Christian living. “If my servant says my Lord delays His coming, he will eat, be drunk, and smite the men servants…” Stone says believers should remain steadfast and not be swayed by the notion of a delayed return.

“It’s very important not to ever say, ‘I don’t believe the Lord’s going to come for a long time,’ because you will become careless,” Stone warns.

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4. Remember Lot’s Wife: Luke 17:32

Stone explores the cautionary tale of Lot’s wife and the lessons that come with it, quoting Luke 17:32, “Remember Lot’s wife.” He warns of the dangers of disobedience and looking back while encouraging believers to maintain a forward-focused, unwavering commitment.

“Don’t look back, and don’t turn back. Set your face like a flint and always look forward,” Stone instructs.

5. Persevere in Faith: Luke 18:8

The final instruction centers on perseverance in faith, reading from Luke 18:8, “When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” Stone warns against fainting or giving up in the face of delays, hindrances and challenges.

“At the time of the end, there will be so much delay. You become weary, and once you become weary, you will begin to faint,” Stone emphasizes.

In the chaotic landscape of the end times, prayer emerges as a steadfast anchor, grounding believers in the unshakable hope of Christ’s imminent return.

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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