Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

3 Qualities of Successful Kingdom Leaders

Michael Jordan (Michael Jeffrey Jordan Facebook page)

If you grew up in the 1990s, you knew Mike. Michael Jordan, that is.

It was spectacular to watch him play basketball. He’d make “impossible” shots with only three seconds left on the clock and win the game, It happened … for years!

What you might not know is that he didn’t start with raw talent — at least not enough to make his high school varsity team. He tried out, but the coach benched him. He had to work hard to earn his place on the team.

Mike was a regular person and used good character to succeed. How much more can you do, with the power of Christ that is in you?

Two Kinds of Benchwarmers

The passive benchwarmer waits for recognition. He waits for the coach to light a fire in his flame before he acts. This is someone who hasn’t embraced their call.

The pro-active benchwarmer lights his own fire. He gives the coach a reason to recognize him. He works hard to prepare for the moment he’s put in the game. The first type leaves ownership to his coach, the latter takes ownership of his legacy.

Don’t wait for someone else to motivate you. Take God at His Word and take ownership of your call.

Study to Show Yourself Approved

“A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men” (Prov. 18:16, NKJV).

Talent gets you on the team and in the game, but character keeps you there.

If God says to do it, don’t let any man deter you. Believe in God’s word to you and invest into your call. Study to be excellent in your mandate. Don’t only train for the position God puts you in, study the game. Be excellent and don’t settle for the portion you have.

Always be teachable, evolve, and make sure God influences you afresh, daily. Study to show yourself approved.

Choose Your Battles Well

“All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify. Let no one seek his own, but each one the other’s well-being” (1 Cor. 10:23-24, NKJV).

All things are possible in Christ, but that doesn’t mean you should do it all! Choose your battles well. Be led by the Lord.

Here are signs that God desires you to take ownership of a certain skill, talent, call, or mandate:

  • God says He called you to it.
  • You don’t have the raw talent for it.
  • You don’t feel qualified. In fact, you look around and think others would do a better job, “Why not send them, Lord?”
  • You feel nervous. If God doesn’t show up, you’ll look like an idiot.
  • You have to fight for your promise, yet when you do step out:
  1. You get wisdom.
  2. You find favor.
  3. Doors open. Your circumstances tell you, “Get off the bench. Get in the game!”

Herein lies the key to your legacy: When you take ownership of your call, you can expect your gifts, talents, and experience to come with you. You activate the grace God gave you to get the job done. Until you take ownership, you’ll never know what that grace is capable of. Be the pro-active benchwarmer. Get in the game.

Why not post the one thing you know God is telling you to take ownership of? Post it in our Community of Apostles and Prophets and let’s support one another! Your peers may be facing the same thing. Join here:

Chaifa Berry is a prophet in the NextGen Prophets team under Apostles Craig and Colette Toach of Toach Ministries International. She and her husband Nathan have trained fivefold ministry leaders for the last decade. She publishes daily prophetic words on She is the armor bearer to Apostle Craig Toach and is dedicated to raising the next generation of prophets.

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