Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

When you and I became children of God, we began to partner with Him to bring heaven to earth. Jesus even instructs us on how to pray for God’s presence to reign on earth: “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven (Matt. 6:10).

How does His kingdom come to earth? His will becomes reality if we allow Him to work through us. We become carriers of His glory.

How do we become a glory carrier? First, we need to become children of God. We need to believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior. As we grow in our walk with the Lord, the glory in our lives increases. The more authentic we are with Him, the deeper He takes us and reveals Himself. The closer to Him we draw, the more transformed we become.

How do we continue to carry His presence when we sin and fail? We must repent any time we are convicted of sin. We need to quickly confess that sin to the Lord and ask Him to forgive us. We must continually surrender our hearts and lives and remain free from anything that might take root and become a stronghold.

God wants to pour out His Spirit and engulf us in His glory more than we want Him to. He desires to be more intimate with each person He created, and this occurs in His presence. When the Spirit fills a room, everything changes. Miracles, signs and wonders transpire. Do you hunger for more of Him? Do you crave to live in His presence?

I pray that the Lord would tear down walls we have built, speak truth to lies we believe and release His anointing in our lives. The world awaits His glory. Will you carry it to the lost and hurting?

Dr. Kristi Lemley is a speaker, author, podcast host, professor and counselor. She is passionate about reigniting the fire in the hearts of believers to transform lives. She connects in a transparent way that breaks spiritual barriers so every person can walk out their purpose with the authority and power of God. Kristi is an ordained minister and speaks at churches, conferences and retreats nationally and internationally. She has authored two books, Transformed: Live God’s Best and ABLAZE: Prepare Your Heart for Revival.

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