Bill Johnson: Reformers Are Arising to Transform Our World for Christ

Throughout history, reformers have lived with the conviction of the superiority of the gospel of Jesus Christ to transform individual lives, communities, and ultimately, nations. Recently I had the privilege of speaking with the senior leader of Bethel Church, Pastor Bill Johnson, to discuss how the gospel is the power of God to transform nations.

We expounded upon Scripture and truths from his book The Mind of God: How His Wisdom Can Transform Our World. Just like the apostle Paul, we need to be fully gripped by the reality of the good news of Jesus Christ. Paul stated in 1 Corinthians that he aimed to know nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified (1 Cor. 2:2).

Church, this is our finest hour. Jesus is calling all believers to arise and shine, for the light of Christ has risen upon you. Christ has been made unto us wisdom, redemption and justification (1 Cor. 1:30). The wisdom of God holds the keys to a godly transformation that leads people to the goodness of God. Johnson discusses how through a revelation of Isaiah 60 the vision and direction of his ministry to transform cities was shaped. “Our whole Christian walk is learning to see through the heart and mind of God,” Johnson added.

Jesus calls every believer to illustrate God in such a way that others see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven. “Many believers assume the answers for the world’s problems are found in the return of Christ and not the power of the gospel,” Johnson said. He added that he would never want to downplay the impact of the return of Christ, but once He shows up, all decisions are set. Furthermore, “We’ve got to make an adjustment in our thinking because the return of Christ only fixes things for the believer and not the world.” He illustrates how Solomon, who used God’s wisdom to transform nations, is a forerunner of the body of Christ.

Believer, you were created to use God’s wisdom to transform lives in your sphere of influence with the power of the gospel. It is time to arise and shine with the glory of the Lord, transforming and reforming the world around you. May you radiate with the mercy and forgiveness of Christ, demonstrating the will of our Father.

Christina Perera is a passionate fivefold minister who lives to exalt Jesus in every area. She is passionate about unity in the body of Christ and bringing Christ out of the Scriptures to reveal Jesus and His finished work. She is the author of Fire In Unity and the founder of Christina Perera Ministries, Inc.  She hosts Revealing Jesus on Charisma’s Podcast Network. For more information on her ministry, visit

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