3 Miraculous Ways the Prince of Peace Transforms Your Mayhem Moments

Have you experienced the mayhem moments of the holidays? The rush to arrive at events on time. The moment when someone gives your child a gift and he boldly states, “I already have that!” Or the moment an argument erupts during an extended family dinner and you feel like crawling under the table? Each of those is a minor mayhem moment, but what about the bigger ones? The moments when trauma, tragedy or trials hit our lives or the lives of those we love? 

The truth is our world is filled with mayhem. Chaos abounds, and it leaves us feeling disoriented, anxious and frightened about the future. However, into our chaos-filled world entered the Prince of Peace

The prophet Isaiah foretold that, when the Messiah would come, one of His names would be “the Prince of Peace” (Isa. 9:6). Oh, how we need the Prince of Peace! The prophet also reassures us, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you, I have summoned you by name; you are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God” (Isa. 43:1b-3a, NIV).

The Hebrew word for “waters” that is used here is the word mayim (almost sounds like “mayhem”), and is used as a metaphor for raging heathen, chaotic stormy seas and vast nations. But it also speaks of life, sustenance, fertility and blessing (Strong’s 4325).

That’s so intriguing. How can moments of mayhem become a blessing in our lives? They become a blessing as we cling to the Prince of Peace. So, what exactly can you count on from the Prince of Peace? 

The Prince of Peace promises His presence. I think often the temptation when walking through difficult circumstances is to doubt and wonder if God has rejected us. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Jesus Himself told us that in this world, in our lifetime, we would have trouble (John 16:33). The glorious truth is that, though there is trouble, the Holy Spirit of the living Christ is with us. He promises He will never leave us nor forsake us (Heb. 13:5). Next time you have a mayhem moment, thank God by faith that He is with you!

The Prince of Peace will calm the raging waters (Isa. 43:16). Isaiah reminds me that the Lord of all creation still parts waters, and the Gospels remind me that Jesus still calms storms (Luke 8:22-25). Try this next time you feel mayhem all around you: Pray, “Prince of Peace, calm the raging storm in me.”

The Prince of Peace provides comfort. Isaiah reminded us that God has promised provision, and He desires to comfort His people (Isa. 40:1, 43:20). Jesus reassures us that He will send the Comforter to calm us (John 14:16). The comforter or advocate is the Holy Spirit, your 24/7 journey mate. When you feel lost or alone in the chaos, remember that He is always with you and present to comfort you. 

How might you experience the presence of the Prince of Peace this Advent season? Slow down and savor His presence. Let go of hurry and simply enjoy Him. Focus on His presence and allow your soul to be strengthened in Him. Remind yourself daily that as the Prince of Peace, He promises His presence, He calms the raging storms and He provides comfort when life goes awry.

You can trust Him, friend.  

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Becky Harling, a bestselling author, is a popular speaker at conferences, retreats and other events. She is the author of 12 books, including Our Father: A Study of the Lord’s Prayer. Becky is a certified coach with the John Maxwell Team and offers parent coaching. Becky and her husband, Steve, have traveled and ministered in over 70 countries around the world. She is the parent of four grown married kids and Mimi to 14 grandchildren. Connect with Becky at beckyharling.comwhere this article originally appeared.

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