How do we respond to this reality?
3 Keys to Releasing the Supernatural Power of Christmas—for Everybody:
1. Catch a vision of what your praise and worship releases—especially during the Christmas season. When your praise goes up to heaven, it joins in with all of the other worship being offered up across the earth.
2. Release your song. Don’t let tradition restrain you from being an extravagant worshipper during Christmas. Participate in this incredible worldwide celebration of praise by not only lending your voice to the carols, but by joining in with passionate worship.
3. Take risks with the expectation that God is most likely moving. Understand that the atmosphere at Christmastime is not coincidental or magical; the global praise makes a way for the presence of God to so saturate the earth that when you reach out to people about Christ, there will often be an unusual openness. Whether you share your faith, pray for the sick or share a word of encouragement, do so knowing this season lends itself to people being open to the spiritual.
Of course, we are called to praise God and take risks every day of our lives. This is not a practice exclusive to the Christmas season. That said, we need to recognize the spiritual pregnancy in this season and respond accordingly.
3 Keys to Releasing the Supernatural Power of Christmas—for Leaders
1. Ask the Holy Spirit, “What do You want Your church to focus on this season?” Listen to what He says and follow His direction. He will not steer you wrong.
2. Don’t be afraid of the unconventional, especially if the Holy Spirit is leading you down that road. I know it may feel awkward and unusual, but if we want to see the power of God released and watch people be brought into the kingdom, we need to break free from religious tradition. If the Holy Spirit gives you peace to do a concert, do a concert. If He leads you to do a pageant, do a pageant. If the Holy Spirit, however, instructs you to do have a time of healing prayer during your Christmas Eve service, follow His voice. Great breakthrough is on the other side of radical obedience.
3. Encourage a culture of extravagant, participatory worship—and you lead the way. Don’t be the person with hands in his or her pockets as the worship team leads the congregation in Christmas carols. Worship the glorious Savior that these songs speak so beautifully about!
I pray that you would experience the most miraculous, supernatural and Christ-exalting Christmas of your lives this year.
Merry Christmas!
This article is based on the Christmas devotional What Child Is This: 24 Reflections on Christ the Son. Larry Sparks is author of the books Breakthrough Faith and Breakthrough Healing. He also founded Equip Culture Media—a ministry that empowers believers with the tools and resources they need to live victoriously through the supernatural power of God. Larry serves as director of curriculum resources for Destiny Image Publishers and hosts Life Supernatural, a weekly radio program that features bestselling authors, emerging filmmakers and key ministry leaders. He lives in Florida with his wife and daughter. Follow him on Twitter @LarryVSparks. Subscribe to his weekly blog at