Top of the Week: John Ramirez Gives a Spiritual Warning for 2024

Following are snippets of the top stories posted over the past week on We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

John Ramirez Gives a Spiritual Warning for 2024

In a recent message, John Ramirez gave a warning for the spiritual battles that lay ahead of us in 2024.

“The Lord spoke to me regarding 2024. He says, ‘speak to My people. It’s not a happy message; it’s a preparation message,'” Ramirez said. “The watchmen on the wall will sound the shofar to sign the trumpet to let them know your enemy is coming.”

Ramirez says that it is this knowledge that can help God’s people prepare for the turmoil up ahead.

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Jonathan Cahn’s End Times Rebuke for the Pope

In a timely, prophetic, end times message, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is warning the Pope and the wider Catholic church about what may be heading their way for accepting the decision to allow priests to bless same-sex couples.

“This is the Pope’s great moment of apostasy,” Cahn said. “It’s a watershed moment, it’s a red flag moment, a milestone for Catholicism and even for Western civilization

One of these red flags is the fact that the Pope has declared that the Ten Commandments is too rigid.

Greg Locke Takes on the Challenge to Read the Bible in a Month

Wouldn’t it be nice to see more people fully committed to reading the Bible with great intentionality?

At Global Vision Bible Church, Pastor Greg Locke and his congregation have decided to do what many would consider the unthinkable: reading the Bible in a month. After Locke took his own time to read the Bible in a month, the entire Global Vision Bible Church community is now taking on the task of doing the same. Whether it means spending less time watching TV, looking at social media or giving up other free time activities, this challenge is replenishing the spirits of the entire congregation.

While deliverance ministry will always be a core tenet of Global Vision, knowing God through His Word is the foundation for every good work that the Holy Spirit wants to do with His people. This key isn’t just for those at one set church or for one denomination; it’s for all Christians and is needed for growing and maturing in their relationship with Christ.

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Enough Already With the Pro-Trump Prophecies!

Come November 2024, if Donald Trump is on the presidential ballot, he may be your candidate of choice. By then, he may have won the GOP nomination in a landslide. And for you, hands down, he may be your man for any of a thousand reasons. He may even be our next president.

That is not my issue here. In fact, my issue is not political at all.

It is spiritual. It is prophetic. It is about the honor of the Lord and the reputation of the Spirit. It is about credibility.

Ex-Psychic’s Message to Fox News: Stop Promoting the Occult

A former psychic who turned to Jesus Christ after repenting of occult practices has issued a warning about a recent Fox News segment featuring a tarot card reading. The ex-psychic, Jenn Nizza, expressed concern that the network may have inadvertently opened their viewers up to demonic activity by airing an act of divination during primetime.

Nizza, who now runs and has written about her own experiences with tarot cards and the occult, found it “completely alarming” when Fox News host Jesse Watters invited a medium to predict the country’s political future using tarot cards.

“The deception of putting something that seems good out there while pushing a demonic agenda is heartbreaking,” Nizza said to The Christian Post.

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