Ryan LeStrange: 2 Prophetic Keys for Spiritual Growth in the Body of Christ

In a world where certain spirits appear to override entire regions to accomplish the enemy’s plan by ensnaring whole people groups, Ryan LeStrange profoundly shared in his latest Charisma article and interview why there is a greater power and purpose behind knowing and being actively involved in a Holy Spirit-filled community. LeStrange shared that it is only through a staunch, steadfast faith guided by an attuned ear to the Holy Spirit that we can combat these forces. While all fivefold ministry gifts are important, there is something special and vital about understanding the power of the prophetic and how the enemy strives at all costs to crush and manipulate the voice of the Holy Spirit.

The prophetic has the ability to usher in unity and alignment.

 Apostles and prophets have a unique ability to discern the mind of God and receive fresh revelation. When they work together, they help ensure that the entire body of believers is aligned with God’s purposes and plans.

“When people can give you detailed information about your life, when they can identify where you’re at emotionally or a season you’re going through, especially if you’re in a vulnerable place, that can really speak to your heart,” LeStrange shared in his Beyond The Article interview with Charisma.

LeStrange shared that while this type of gifting has the power to bring us together, we must also be aware of how the enemy would like to use it to bring down God’s children through false prophets.

“As we’re growing in God, our belief systems are constantly coming into a place of inspection, and reformation by God, by His Word, by the Holy Spirit,” LeStrange said. “What false prophets can do is teach false belief systems, which then get you stuck in an area where God can’t really move the way he wants to.”

Transformation happens when God is at the center, and condemnation happens when Satan is placed in charge.

Both apostles and prophets are focused on bringing about transformation. It is this kind of transformation that the enemy will try to hinder at all costs because he cannot stand to see God’s children become more like Christ. One of the keys that the enemy will use at all costs to stop this kind of growth is a religious spirit.

“It’s really good at bringing shame and condemnation,” LeStrange said. “That religious spirit will sort of stick you with ‘you are as good as what you do.’”

However, LeStrange notes that the key needed for this kind of hindrance is the continued remembrance of God’s grace which does not condemn but rather convicts and raises us up to the heavenly places where we have been seated with Christ.

“At the end of the day, all we are, all we ever will be in the kingdom of God is hinged upon the grace of God,” LeStrange said. “It’s that elementary principle that God so loved the world that He gave Jesus and Jesus died for us. And that’s the sum total of our faith. The problem with the religious spirit…it gets you stuck in works. Also, to be prophetic in nature, to be Spirit-led according to Romans 8:14 means a continual progression in journey into the heart of God, the truth of God.”

This same religious spirit seeks to break down and interfere with the heart of revival.

“Anytime you see the prophetic, you see a revival-minded people, you see a people that’s moving with God, you’re going to see attacks from the religious spirit.,” LeStrange said.

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Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.

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