Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Why We Must Write God’s Women Back Into Revival History

The Women’s March on Washington, D.C., the day after Donald Trump was sworn into office highlighted and underlined the crisis facing the young women of America. The crude, vile and violent rhetoric of celebrities and political activists was bad enough in itself, but to think that these are the role models for young women today is truly heartbreaking.

What is equally heartbreaking is the fact that so many powerful women of God who would serve as positive role models for young women and men today have been written out of history.

To cite just one example, I will never forget my amazement at seeing how one of the most powerful revivalists in Christian history was written out of history simply because she was a woman. I had studied the life of Phoebe Palmer by reading her works and was inspired by the great revivals she spearheaded and the teaching she presented that changed the thinking of the church in her generation.

You can only imagine my amazement when I later read a history of the Pentecostal movement written by a contemporary Christian historian. To my astonishment, he attributed Phoebe’s accomplishments to her husband, Walter.

Walter was the administrator for Phoebe’s ministry, carrying her suitcases, organizing her meetings and even purchasing a publication to help spread her teachings. However, you wouldn’t know it from reading this historian, who pushed Phoebe aside and presented Walter as the revivalist and great man of God.

Like Phoebe and so many other women, Amanda Berry Smith was also written out of history. Smith, who was born in slavery, overcame great odds and became one of the most powerful evangelists of the 19th century. Writing Palmer, Smith and so many others out of history has served to weaken the church, especially the female members, who are in dire need of positive role models for inspiration and guidance.

On another front, many of the early women suffragists in America, who fought for the right to vote, were devout Christians who received their inspiration from Jesus and the gospel. But you would never know this from reading modern history books, where their faith is ignored and they are presented as enlightened secularists. Again, the church has been robbed of the example of their faith, commitment and courage.

The International Christian Women’s Hall of Fame is here to correct this and write God’s women back into history. In doing so, young women (and men) will be inspired to step out in faith and follow the God-given dream that is in their heart. The body of Christ will be mobilized and genuine revival will break forth in the church of Jesus Christ.

This is the vision God has given. Is he calling you to embrace the vision with us? If so, prayerfully consider making a one-year commitment to pray daily for the Hall of Fame and give a monthly gift of support of any size. Perhaps he wants you to be involved on a deeper level. Whatever it may be, together, God will use us to change the church and the world. {eoa}

To read more about the hall and make a gift of any size, go to

Dr. Eddie L. Hyatt is a board member of God’s Word to Women and the president of Hyatt International Ministries. His passion is to see every member of the body of Christ mobilized, not according to gender, but according to the gifts and callings of God. He and Dr. Susan Hyatt have been married for over 41 years. You can check out his website at

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