Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

The Flame is Alive: Confirmed Miracles in Mario Murillo Tent Crusades

“My name is Judy. I attended Breakthrough at Destiny Church, in Rocklin, in January. My girlfriend, Amber, was amazingly healed … from the top of her head to the soles of her feet, including her back, her 2 pre-cancer growths were gone, asthma, etc. She was healed.

“She went to the doctor and he confirmed it, writing in her chart, ‘This person was healed by God’!

“When my ex-son-in-law heard about Amber and saw her, he asked me to take him to Hanford. We were there Sunday and Monday. He and my grandson both went forward and accepted Jesus as Savior. He is changed. I believe he is also healed, but it is not confirmed yet. (Pray for Andrew). Not only were their amazing messages of lives changed, but healings happened!

“And when we returned to our motel, more amazing healings happened! (Our motel was filled with people attending the revival. It was like holy ground). Thank you, Mario for calling on Josey to tell me her story. Praise God for everything!”

She had been suffering with multiple sclerosis for many years,

I invited Nicole up to share her testimony of God’s miraculous healing. She had been suffering with multiple sclerosis for many years, but when she had gone to two previous Tent meetings, I remember seeing that she was unable to walk and that she carried her arm curled up on her side. She was hospitalized at the beginning of the pandemic and right after she gave birth to a baby girl, they would not let her see her own newborn child!

At each tent crusade, her husband had marched around the outside of the tent, asking God for her healing. It was in August, in the tent crusade in Sacramento, that God healed her. She is now free to not only walk and move but also to dance, which she did as we sang after testifying on the stage.

She brought with her a doctor’s note, on which he had written that she had experienced “significant improvement of her condition” and that she no longer needed to take her medication. That is a doctor’s cautious way of saying, “You are healed.”

And, in a miraculous moment, a wheelchair was emptied. I turned toward another area of the Tent and asked a woman to stand. She then named the desperate needs in her body.

When she first stood, her steps were shaky but as God began to restore her body, you could actually see her footing become more sure. She crossed to the front and began to dance before God, completely healed and restored!

After a near-fatal car accident, PJ had multiple injuries all over her body. On Tuesday at the Hanford Living Proof Crusade in California, God spoke through a word of knowledge and she was totally healed. She demonstrated how she was healed by walking and jumping with no pain or weakness.

If you ask anyone who was there, “Will the flames and fire of God die down after this week?” they will give you a strange stare. Then suggest to them that what has happened over these past four nights is not real and they will burst out laughing.

Go ahead and ask them to define these past four days. You will not hear them call this just a “good crusade.” They will not tell you these were “wonderful services.” No, they will tell you with firm conviction, “This is the dawn of a new movement.”

This group of people—who now number in the thousands—have seen too much.

But it was the astonishing harvest of souls last night that pushed these people past the point of no return. They believed that a bright future was impossible for those living in this region, but then at least 500 souls came to Jesus. It was not just the quantity that hit them—it was the intensity of conversions. They witnessed open weeping and deep remorse for sin.

God had done too much for these people for them to now return to business as usual. They absolutely refuse to let go of what God has given them. This is not the end of a crusade—it is the dawn of a movement that will now spread across America! Glory to God!

Note: This testimony from Murillo’s crusade was later sent to Charisma Media:

My name is Jeremy Romo and I’m from in Turlock, California. It recently attended Mario Murillo’s tent revival in Hanford, Calif. I got healed and delivered from cigarettes, fentanyl and methamphetamine.God practically took away all the withdrawal syptoms and made it tolerable.I am happy to say that after a week I am completely clean from all addictions and filled with the Holy Spirit, and I’m actively engaging in spiritual warfare! It feels good to be the one doing the whipping on the demons instead of them whooping on me! Thank you, Jesus, and thank you, brother Mario! {eoa}

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Mario Murillo rose from poverty in the Mission District of San Francisco. After being revolutionized by Christ, he felt a call to the University of California at Berkeley, where he shared his faith and saw healings result from his preaching. His international ministry was launched after a four-day conference in San Jose, California, extended for six months with a total attendance of nearly 250,000 people. Since then, his voice has been heard by millions around the world, bringing a message that zeroes in on the hurts of society. He presents Christ clearly and intelligently, openly declaring the power of Jesus to totally transform a life.

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